I'm developing an application that is used to display magazines.
I have two activities that both access to MySQL (as explained in the tutorial), the first shows the list of publications and the second shows the selected articles in the publication in the first activity.
Apparently, the problem I have is the Android version, everything works fine on Android 2.3.5 (Apps_2.6.32.9) on a Motorola XT531 (also on other computers with Android 2.x versions), but when running on a Thinkpad Tablet with Android 4 and also on Android emulators with 3 or higher fails to execute the query for the second activity
Message data that goes:
Message: Program paused on line 108 (see code below)
res = Response.GetString ("UTF8")
In the debug window, Locals zone comes in red:
Android.NetworkOnMain LastException ThreadException
These are an extract of the activities
ACTIVITY 1: Displays the publications
ACTIVITY 2: It is called from activity 1 shows the selected articles in the publication
Please, help me.
I'm developing an application that is used to display magazines.
I have two activities that both access to MySQL (as explained in the tutorial), the first shows the list of publications and the second shows the selected articles in the publication in the first activity.
Apparently, the problem I have is the Android version, everything works fine on Android 2.3.5 (Apps_2.6.32.9) on a Motorola XT531 (also on other computers with Android 2.x versions), but when running on a Thinkpad Tablet with Android 4 and also on Android emulators with 3 or higher fails to execute the query for the second activity
Message data that goes:
Message: Program paused on line 108 (see code below)
res = Response.GetString ("UTF8")
In the debug window, Locals zone comes in red:
Android.NetworkOnMain LastException ThreadException
These are an extract of the activities
ACTIVITY 1: Displays the publications
Sub Process_Globals
Dim hc As HttpClient
'Query type indicator
Sub FetchPublicationsList
ExecuteRemoteQuery ("SELECT name, publication_id, image_url, publication_date, introduction ORDER BY FROM publication_id publication" PUBLICATIONS_LIST)
End Sub
Sub ExecuteRemoteQuery (Query As String, TaskId As Int)
Dim req As HttpRequest
req.InitializePost2 ("http://www.domainxx.pe/testing/cns.php" Query.GetBytes ("UTF8"))
hc.Execute (req, TaskId)
End Sub
Sub hc_ResponseSuccess (Response As HttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
Dim res As String
'Here the error occurred when the connection is poor
res = Response.GetString ("UTF8") << ---- This line runs correctly
ACTIVITY 2: It is called from activity 1 shows the selected articles in the publication
Sub Process_Globals
As hc1 Dim HttpClient
As Float Dim Factor_Tamano_Letra
Sub FetchArticleList
ExecuteRemoteQuery ("Select article_id, title, introduction, image_top_url, image_bottom_url, author, description from article where publication_id =" &publication_id & "AND active = 'Y' order by article_id" ARTICLE_LIST)
End Sub
Sub ExecuteRemoteQuery (Query As String, TaskId As Int)
Dim req As HttpRequest
req.InitializePost2 ("http://www.domainxx.pe/testing/cns.php" Query.GetBytes ("UTF8"))
hc1.Execute (req, TaskId)
End Sub
Sub hc_ResponseSuccess (Response As HttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
Dim res As String
res = Response.GetString ("UTF8") << ------ Line 108, here stops and throws the error described above.
Please, help me.