I am getting a compilation error in the Notification Listener library:
B4A line: 33
If listener.HandleIntent(StartingIntent) Then Ret
javac 1.8.0_60
src\com\multiverse\jarvis\notificationservice.java:252: error: cannot find symbol
if (_listener.HandleIntent(_startingintent)) {
symbol: method HandleIntent(IntentWrapper)
location: variable _listener of type NotificationListener
Any solutions?
B4A line: 33
If listener.HandleIntent(StartingIntent) Then Ret
javac 1.8.0_60
src\com\multiverse\jarvis\notificationservice.java:252: error: cannot find symbol
if (_listener.HandleIntent(_startingintent)) {
symbol: method HandleIntent(IntentWrapper)
location: variable _listener of type NotificationListener
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
If listener.HandleIntent(StartingIntent) Then Return 'Line 33
End Sub
Any solutions?