iOS Question Error Message in B4i


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I recently changed to B4i 3.50
Using the local MacServer
Updated that as well with link that came in the update email.

After trying to build a B4i bridge the status window displays the following:
B4i version: 3.50
Parsing code. (0.10s)
Compiling code. (0.36s)
Compiling layouts code. (0.02s)
Compiling debugger engine code. (4.56s)
Building Xcode project (0.10s)
Sending data to remote compiler. Error
Error: security: SecKeychainDelete: The specified keychain could not be found.

(FileNotFoundException) /Users/AccountOwner/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/fa04172b-c957-4b22-a4b8-c4d162ac2bcf/b4i.mobileprovision (No such file or directory)222222

I checked my provisioning files and certs and all seems to be in order.

There is a file name b4i.mobileprovision ( the one that I assume the above message is referring to) in the folder on the Mac named for my B4i username. There is no Library folder nor a Provisioning Profiles folder as is suggested by the above error message.

Any thoughts as to what I have done to break things?
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Do you try Click Clean project command Or rename the user id
Thank You for Your reply.

I did try Clean Project to no avail.
I am not certain what you mean by renaming the user ID but it is the most current one and is in my server settings dialog form.
It is correct and up to date.[/QUOTE]
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All I know that if you use hosted builder you can't change the user id but if you use local builder you can change it

i use local builder and change the user id to my user name

try change it And see what happen

about the provisioning files you can use #ProvisionFile in main module
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All I know that if you use hosted builder you can't change the user id but if you use local builder you can change it

i use local builder and change the user id to my user name

try change it And see what happen

about the provisioning files you can use #ProvisionFile in main module

My problem is basically this, it all worked until I went to 3.50
The user name is the one given to me by B4X.

The problem isn't actually with my project, but when I try to build a new B4i Bridge app.
Since I need a new Bridge app before I can even address my project.
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I changed my username from the one I was given to roger.

Same result

B4i version: 3.50
Parsing code. (0.10s)
Compiling code. (0.13s)
Building designer app. (0.03s)
Building Xcode project (0.22s)
Sending data to remote compiler. Error
Error: security: SecKeychainDelete: The specified keychain could not be found.

(FileNotFoundException) /Users/AccountOwner/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/fa04172b-c957-4b22-a4b8-c4d162ac2bcf/b4i.mobileprovision (No such file or directory)
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Xcode version 6.3.1

Here's what happened using the temp id and hosted Builder

The build bridge app compiled normally and I navigated to the addy as instructed.
The message on the browser stated that the product B4i-Bridge was ready to install.
I clicked the large button install and received the dialog "Cannot Connect to 63.135,170.51"

That seems to be a separate problem from the one I'm having with the local server.
This is why I started using the local server on my current project as this problem started about a month ago.
I suspect this has something to do with my iPad although I have reset the Ipad and the problem persisted.

Thanks for Your prompt attention - much appreciated.
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  • Upgraded mac to OSX Sierra and now have Xcode version 7.2.1
  • The JDK version is, according to the control panel, Java 8 build 111 and it tells me this is the latest and correct version

>Build B4iBridge
B4i version: 3.50
Parsing code. (0.11s)
Compiling code. (0.22s)
Building designer app. (0.07s)
Building Xcode project (0.23s)
Sending data to remote compiler. Error
Error: security: SecKeychainDelete: The specified keychain could not be found.

(FileNotFoundException) /Users/AccountOwner/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/fa04172b-c957-4b22-a4b8-c4d162ac2bcf/b4i.mobileprovision (No such file or directory)

Help Please I have a drop dead date on this project and I am beginning to feel a bit helpless.
The b4i.mobileprovision file is in the folder named my Uername(atXXXXX)
I only have a cursory understanding of the macOS.
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Thank You for Your reply
On the Windows side I have a folder named B4iKeys and pointed to via the Configuration dialog in IDE. This folder contains:
  • MobDev.mobileprovision
  • ios_development.cer
  • certSigningRequest.csr
  • B4i.p12
  • B4i.keystore

On the Mac side I have a folder on the desktop with the following files unzipped from the download:
--- jetty.crt
--- key.jks
---+header (*.h) library files
--- +*.a files
---*.log files
---Username folder

Did I miss a step in the installation?
I reread the instructions and didn't see any files that should be placed on the Mac.
If I missed something apologies.
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Yes, the certificate is installed on my device, an iPad.
Unless the Buildserver command somehow communicates with the iPad it is difficult for me to see how that is related to my problem.

tried >Buildserver command several times'
B4i version: 3.50
Parsing code. (0.10s)
Compiling code. (0.36s)
Compiling layouts code. (0.54s)
Compiling debugger engine code. (4.66s)
Building Xcode project (0.11s)
Sending data to remote compiler. Error
Error: security: SecKeychainDelete: The specified keychain could not be found.

(FileNotFoundException) /Users/AccountOwner/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/fa04172b-c957-4b22-a4b8-c4d162ac2bcf/b4i.mobileprovision (No such file or directory)

I know I must be missing something and probably inadvertently changed something . Had everything not worked prior to the 3.5 upgrade my confidence level would be different.
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I have tried both the user id you supplied and the my own.
They apparently go to two different addresses.
The Bridge app compiles normally and when I point Safari to the addy given,
This morning instead of a "Cannot Connect to" message I get the normal XXX.XX,XXXX would like to install B4i - Bridge" message.

A tap on Install yields blank icon and then the message "Unable to download B4i - Bridge" could not be installed at this time. Done/Retry
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Thanks for the thought but ...
I don't generate the folder name and it doesn't exist on the mac as far as I can tell.
The only place that I know it exists is in the returned error message from the compiler.
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Longtime User
I'm hoping someone can answer this.
In the MacServer folder there is a text file called config_example.txt

The file is this:

#B4i build server settings
provisioning_profiles=/Users/%user%/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

This sort of matches up with the error message I receive.
The B4i.mobileprovision does exist, just not in the place the app expects it.

Does anyone know what the above is for and whether or not the config of the app can be changed?
This is a real long shot of a very desperate programmer who has a large project 95% done using B4i and is now staring at a error screens.
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Well a small dent was made in my trouble.
Here is what I found out after just a whole lotta trouble.
It might help someone else.

The Mac that I was attempting to run BuildServer on was my lovely MacAir.
It has the latest OS, now XCODE 8.2.1

If you've come this far you see that the BuildServer.jar was not putting the mobile provisioning files in the proper place but rather left them in the B4iBuildServer folder.
I of course had no idea what files should be where.

I decided to borrow another Mac (a MacBook Pro). Ran the java-jar thing and looked into the folder. Inoticed the B4i.mobileprovision file was not there, in fact several of the files were apparently placed elsewhere on the mac hard drive.
But I now get no error compiles and can get on with my work.
Why doesn't the jar unpacking thing work properly on the MacAir?
I don't know, maybe JAVA, maybe not all Macs are created equal or some other reason.
I'll let others contemplate the nuts and bolts.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to stop by to read and/or post.
The effort was appreciated.
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