B4R Code Snippet [ESP32] NVS storage

Based on https://github.com/rpolitex/ArduinoNvs (download the lib and install into Arduino, copy the "ArduinoNvs" folder to "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Arduino" by default).

Module name 'espnvs':
Private Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
    Type KeyValueType(key() As Byte, value() As Byte)
    Private result_string() As Byte    'ignore
End Sub

Sub Init
    RunNative("nvs_setup", Null)
End Sub

Sub WriteString(key_string() As Byte, value() As Byte)
    Dim source As KeyValueType
    source.key = key_string
    source.value = value
    RunNative("nvs_write_string", source)
    Log("Saved to NVS")
End Sub

Sub ReadString(key_string() As Byte)
    RunNative("nvs_read_string", key_string)
End Sub

#if C
#include "ArduinoNvs.h"

void nvs_setup(B4R::Object* o) {

void nvs_write_string(B4R::Object* o) {
    /*** String ***/
    // write to flash

    _keyvaluetype* tmp = (_keyvaluetype*)B4R::Object::toPointer(o);
    B4R::Array* b = tmp->key;
    char* c = (char*)b->data;
    String key = (String)c;
    B4R::Array* b2 = tmp->value;
    char* c2 = (char*)b2->data;
    String value = (String)c2;
    NVS.setString(key, value);

void nvs_read_string(B4R::Object* o) {
    // read from flash
    B4R::Array* b = (B4R::Array*)B4R::Object::toPointer(o);
     char* c = (char*)b->data;
    String st = (String)c;
    String res = NVS.getString(st);
    byte b1[res.length() + 1];
       res.getBytes(b1, sizeof(b1));
    b4r_espnvs::_result_string->data = b1;
    b4r_espnvs::_result_string->length = sizeof(b1);

#end if

    espnvs.WriteString("testkey", "testkey!_value!")

Pls, help
1) to re-check inline-C code (it's very difficult to find correct way for me, with nothing in C-programming)
2) to add functions for storing other data types variables
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