B4R Question ESP8266 Frequency


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With the ESP8266 I want to make a frequency generator to generate frequencies from 50 to 500 Hz.
However, the way I generate frequencies, these are very volatile. For example, at 50 Hz it varies from 49.2 to 50.8 Hz.
Is there any other option than the one I use?

Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Private wifi As ESP8266WiFi  
    Private astream As AsyncStreams  
    Private  f_out As Pin
    Private led_out As Pin
    Dim bstring(100) As String
    Dim pulse_h As Int = 2
    Dim pulse_l As Int = 900
    Dim led_h As Int                        : led_h = (pulse_l + pulse_h) / 2
    Dim stevec1 As Int                        :stevec1 = 0
    Dim pulse_timer As Timer
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
    astream.Initialize(Serial1.Stream, "astream_newdata", Null)  
    Log("Connected: ", wifi.Connect2("usr", "pswd")) 'change as needed
    Log("AppStart Now")  
    f_out.Initialize(16, f_out.MODE_OUTPUT)        'GPIO16 - pulse
    led_out.Initialize(5,led_out.MODE_OUTPUT)    'GPIO05 - LED
    pulse_timer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Looper1      
    'stevec1 = stevec1 + 1
        If stevec1 = 1 Then
            f_out.DigitalWrite(True)        'pulse ON
            led_out.DigitalWrite(True)        'LED on
        End If
        If stevec1 = pulse_h Then
            f_out.DigitalWrite(False)        'pulse OFF
        End If
        If stevec1 = led_h Then
            led_out.DigitalWrite(False)        'LED OFF
        End If
        If stevec1 = pulse_l Then
            stevec1 = 0
        End If
End Sub
Sub pulse_timer_Tick
    stevec1 = stevec1 + 1
'    Select Case stevec1
'        Case 1
'            f_out.DigitalWrite(True)        'pulse ON
'            led_out.DigitalWrite(True)        'LED on
'        Case pulse_h
'            f_out.DigitalWrite(False)        'pulse OFF
'        Case led_h
'            led_out.DigitalWrite(False)        'LED OFF
'        Case pulse_l
'            stevec1 = 0
'    End Select
'    If stevec1 = 1 Then
'        f_out.DigitalWrite(True)        'pulse ON
'        led_out.DigitalWrite(True)        'LED on
'    End If
'    If stevec1 = pulse_h Then
'        f_out.DigitalWrite(False)        'pulse OFF
'    End If
'    If stevec1 = led_h Then
'        led_out.DigitalWrite(False)        'LED OFF
'    End If
'    If stevec1 = pulse_l Then
'        stevec1 = 0
'    End If  
End Sub
Sub astream_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)            'Data from Bluetooth HM-11
    Dim bc As ByteConverter          
    Dim ptr As Int = 0
    For Each s() As Byte In bc.Split(Buffer,",")
        If ptr > Buffer.Length - 1 Then Exit
        bstring(ptr) = bc.StringFromBytes(s)                      
        ptr = ptr + 1
    'Log("ptr = : " , ptr)
    'Log("Buffer Lenght = : " , Buffer.Length)
    'For x = 0 To ptr
    '    Log(bstring(x))  
End Sub
Private Sub dekodiraj
    If bstring(0) = "S" Then
        pulse_h = bstring(1)
        pulse_l = bstring(2)
        led_h = (pulse_h + pulse_l)/2
        'Log("Pulse_h: " , pulse_h, "   Pulse_l: " , pulse_l)      
    End If
    If bstring(0) = "Time" Then
    End If
End Sub
Public Sub get_time
    Log("Date: ", TimeNIST.GetDate)
    Log("Time (UTC): ", NumberFormat(TimeNIST.GetHours, 2, 0), ":", NumberFormat(TimeNIST.GetMinutes, 2, 0), _
        ":", NumberFormat(TimeNIST.GetSeconds, 2, 0))
End Sub
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Active Member
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Longtime User
With the ESP8266 I want to make a frequency generator to generate frequencies from 50 to 500 Hz.
However, the way I generate frequencies, these are very volatile. For example, at 50 Hz it varies from 49.2 to 50.8 Hz.
Is there any other option than the one I use?

use Arduino's tone function with inline C


.... and remove the connection details from your source code when you post something..or I'll get you and twist and shift left your bits....and send a beaver to your boat to nibble on your sailing mast.
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Solved !
Very stable frequencies.

Private Sub F_On(tag As Byte)
    CallSubPlus("F_Off", 1,0)
End Sub
Private Sub F_Off(tag As Byte)
    CallSubPlus("F_On", 24.9, 0)
    'CallSubPlus("F_On", 25, 0)
End Sub
Private Sub LedOn(tag1 As Byte)
    CallSubPlus("LedOff", 13,0)
End Sub
Private Sub LedOff(tag1 As Byte)
    CallSubPlus("LedOn", 12, 0)
End Sub
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