The problem du jour is the error:
It is occuring when I try and add data to a tableview, specifically this:
I've used Log statements to follow what's happening to figure out that the exception occurs with:
I'm only adding two objects to the TableView record, there are only two items being assigned, there are only two columns defined.
I have also used Log statements to test the data being populated, to ensure there actually is content there.
Below is the full code, showing the TableView declaration and setting up the columns (only two of them)
I've used TableView in other small projects and not had this kind of problem with it. Using nearly identical code (for the loading of data to the tableview). This is telling me there is something not obvious (to me) that is causing this. I'm open to any suggestions to try out.
Image of the error is attached.
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2
It is occuring when I try and add data to a tableview, specifically this:
Sub LoadKVSData
Dim listKeys As List
listKeys = kvs.ListKeys
For i = 0 To listKeys.Size - 1
Dim Row(2) As Object
Row(0) = listKeys.Get(i)
If txtPassword.Text <> "" Then
Row(1) = kvs.GetEncryptedObject(listKeys.Get(i), txtPassword.Text)
Row(1) = kvs.GetSimple(listKeys.Get(i))
End If
End Sub
I've used Log statements to follow what's happening to figure out that the exception occurs with:
I'm only adding two objects to the TableView record, there are only two items being assigned, there are only two columns defined.
I have also used Log statements to test the data being populated, to ensure there actually is content there.
Below is the full code, showing the TableView declaration and setting up the columns (only two of them)
#Region Project Attributes
#MainFormWidth: 950
#MainFormHeight: 600
#AdditionalJar: sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2
#AdditionalJar: bcprov-jdk15on-154
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Private fx As JFX
Private MainForm As Form
Private kvs As KeyValueStore
Private dialogue8 As Dialogs8
Private strExistingFilePath As String
Private tableDataView As TableView
Private txtPassword As TextField
Private txtFileField As TextField
Private btnSelectFile As Button
Private btnReload As Button
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
MainForm = Form1
MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("main_form") 'Load the layout file.
tableDataView.SetColumnHeader(0, "Key")
tableDataView.SetColumnHeader(1, "Contents")
tableDataView.SetColumnWidth(0, 200.00)
tableDataView.SetColumnSortable(0, True)
tableDataView.SetColumnSortable(1, True)
End Sub
Sub GetDataFolder (AppName As String) As String
Dim os As String = GetSystemProperty("", "").ToLowerCase
If os.Contains("win") Then
Dim wf As String = File.Combine(GetEnvironmentVariable("AppData", ""), AppName)
File.MakeDir(wf, "")
Return wf
Return File.DirApp
End If
End Sub
Sub btnSelectFile_Action
End Sub
Sub btnReload_Action
If txtFileField.Text <> "" Then
Dim strFilePath As String = txtFileField.Text
If strFilePath <> "" Then
txtFileField.Text = strFilePath
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFile As String
strPath = File.GetFileParent(strFilePath)
strFile = File.GetName(strFilePath)
If File.IsDirectory(strPath, strFile) = True Then
fx.Msgbox(MainForm, "You must select a file to import.", "No File Selected")
strExistingFilePath = strPath
If kvs.IsInitialized = True Then
End If
kvs.Initialize(strPath, strFile)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub LoadFile
Dim saveopenFile As FileChooser
If strExistingFilePath <> "" Then
saveopenFile.InitialDirectory = strExistingFilePath
saveopenFile.InitialDirectory = GetDataFolder("KVSViewer")
End If
Dim strFilePath As String
strFilePath = saveopenFile.ShowOpen(MainForm)
If strFilePath <> "" Then
txtFileField.Text = strFilePath
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFile As String
strPath = File.GetFileParent(strFilePath)
strFile = File.GetName(strFilePath)
If File.IsDirectory(strPath, strFile) = True Then
fx.Msgbox(MainForm, "You must select a file to import.", "No File Selected")
strExistingFilePath = strPath
If kvs.IsInitialized = True Then
End If
kvs.Initialize(strPath, strFile)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub LoadKVSData
Dim listKeys As List
listKeys = kvs.ListKeys
For i = 0 To listKeys.Size - 1
Dim Row(2) As Object
Row(0) = listKeys.Get(i)
If txtPassword.Text <> "" Then
Row(1) = kvs.GetEncryptedObject(listKeys.Get(i), txtPassword.Text)
Row(1) = kvs.GetSimple(listKeys.Get(i))
End If
End Sub
Sub refreshTableView
' Use a temporary list which holds the updated row (cells) objects as taken from the updated tableview list
Dim tempData As List
' Clear all items in the tableview list
' And add the objects from the list to the tableviewStandard items
For i = 0 To tempData.Size - 1
Dim r() As Object = tempData.Get(i)
tableDataView.Items.Add(Array As Object(r(0), r(1)))
' Set the selected row
tableDataView.SelectedRow = 0
End Sub
I've used TableView in other small projects and not had this kind of problem with it. Using nearly identical code (for the loading of data to the tableview). This is telling me there is something not obvious (to me) that is causing this. I'm open to any suggestions to try out.
Image of the error is attached.