Subname: ExecuteSpinnerMap
Similar to ExecuteSpinner (see DBUtils).
Returns (and sets into the spinner tag) a map which has:
key = DescriptionFieldName - the field shown in the spinner
value = IDFieldName - the ID (int) which should be the Primary Key.
It should be added to the module DBUtils, as it uses its function ExecuteMemoryTable.
Then you can use:
to get the ID related to the voice selected in the spinner.
Tags: Spinner, DBUtils, SQLite, Database
Similar to ExecuteSpinner (see DBUtils).
Returns (and sets into the spinner tag) a map which has:
key = DescriptionFieldName - the field shown in the spinner
value = IDFieldName - the ID (int) which should be the Primary Key.
It should be added to the module DBUtils, as it uses its function ExecuteMemoryTable.
' Similar to ExecuteSpinner (see DBUtils).
' Returns (and sets into the spinner tag) a map which has:
' key = DescriptionFieldName - the field shown in the spinner
' value = IDFieldName - the ID (int) which should be the Primary Key.
Sub ExecuteSpinnerMap(SQL As SQL, _
spn As Spinner, _
Clear As Boolean, _
tbl As String, _
IDFieldName As String, _
DescriptionFieldName As String, _
CaseSensitive As Boolean, _
OrderBy As Boolean) As Map
Dim SQLString As String
SQLString = "SELECT " & IDFieldName & "," & DescriptionFieldName & " FROM " & tbl
If OrderBy = True Then
If CaseSensitive = True Then
SQLString = SQLString & " ORDER BY UPPER(" & DescriptionFieldName & ")"
SQLString = SQLString & " ORDER BY " & DescriptionFieldName
End If
End If
If Clear = True Then
End If
Dim Table As List
Dim mapDescrID As Map : mapDescrID.Initialize
Table = ExecuteMemoryTable(SQL, SQLString, Null, 0)
If Table.IsInitialized Then
Dim Cols() As String
For i = 0 To Table.Size - 1
Cols = Table.Get(i)
mapDescrID.Put(Cols(1), Cols(0))
spn.Tag = mapDescrID
End If
Return mapDescrID
End Sub
Then you can use:
Sub GetIDFromSpinnerMap(Spn As Spinner) As Int
Dim SpinnerMap As Map
SpinnerMap = Spn.Tag
Return SpinnerMap.GetValueAt(Spn.SelectedIndex)
Return -1
End Try
End Sub
to get the ID related to the voice selected in the spinner.
Tags: Spinner, DBUtils, SQLite, Database
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