Android Question ExoPlayer Song List - Get Title


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Creating a song list for ExoPlayer with CreateListSource, I want to get the track title in the TrackChanged event.

I tried the following code from the forum:

    Dim jo As JavaObject = ExoPlaySong
    Dim TrackGroups As JavaObject = jo.GetFieldJO("player").RunMethod("getCurrentTrackGroups", Null)
    For i = 0 To TrackGroups.GetField("length") - 1
        Dim TrackGroup As JavaObject = TrackGroups.RunMethod("get", Array(i))
        For j = 0 To TrackGroup.GetField("length") - 1
            Dim Format As JavaObject = TrackGroup.RunMethodJO("getFormat", Array(j))
            Dim Metadata As JavaObject = Format.GetField("metadata")
            If Metadata.IsInitialized Then'will not show you anything
                Dim jo As JavaObject= Metadata.RunMethod("get", Array(0))
                For k = 0 To Metadata.RunMethod("length", Null) - 1
                    Dim Entry As JavaObject = Metadata.RunMethod("get", Array(k))
                    Log("Entry: "  & Entry)
            End If

In some cases I can see the title of the track in the metadata but in other cases it does not show.

Is there an issue with this code or is there a better way to do it?


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