B4J Question Extended Function


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Hi. How to create an extended function in b4X.
Like StringBuilder Lib that has .Append("").Append("").

I want to create a class in b4j with this and compile it to as library.



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In my class i have

sub sql1 as string
return 1
end sub

sub sql2 as string
return 2
end sub

sub sql3 as string
return 3
end sub

sub string1 as string
return "string1"
end sub

sub string2 as string
return "string2"
end sub

sub string3 as string
return "string3"
end sub

i want to seperate this like when i type sql. only sql function will appear and str. on string function will appear. How to do that?
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I think its related to my first question. Is there any declaration of private class?
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