Android Question Extract image from PDF

Douwe Siegersma

Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm looking for a way to extract an image from a PDF file.
The PDF has only one page and contains only one image.

Douwe Siegersma

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello Erel,

I have tried that and it works. But I need only the exact image and nothing of the stuff around it. Problem is to determine the X and Y coordinates and size of the image.

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William Lancee

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This may not be case, but if there are only a few images you can clip the images manually.
Write a small App to display the larger bitmap and sample 'point clicks and X,Y of point' at the corners of the target area.
Use the resulting rectangle to clip the image. Since this is android you may need to create a draggable bull's eye for precision.

If the variety and number of images make this impractical, you need to go through the pixels on the larger bitmap to find the image.
(looking for change in color for example) . To do this you need to use BitmapCreator.
This works if the smaller images have well-defined borders, but it probably won't work for all images.
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Douwe Siegersma

Licensed User
Longtime User

Will try this tomorrow. The picture (only one) has no frame around it and contains a lot of white.
It's going to be a challenge but all good things come slowly.?

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