Android Question Extract only year from date field


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Hi, I have the following sql statement.
DBUtils.ExecuteSpinner(SQL, "SELECT strftime('%Y', datein) As Year FROM payables order  by cid desc", Null, 0, spnryr)
but I'm getting null result.

regards to all.

Lucas Siqueira

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your query is correct, but you should note two things.

if the datein field of your table is as a date and if your date is yyyy-mm-dd.

when I run the query I get the return exactly as you request.

another point that should be noted is some error when defining the values in your spinner, I did a test using b4j. the code is attached.

ExecuteSpinner has been disabled in the latest version of dbutils.

so I copied the code and modified it to work in the best way in b4j
Private Sub Button1_Click
    Dim SQL As SQL
    Dim name_db As String = "teste.db"
    Wait For (File.CopyAsync(File.DirAssets, name_db, File.DirApp, name_db)) Complete (Success As Boolean)
    Log("Success: " & Success)
    SQL.InitializeSQLite(File.DirApp, name_db, False)
    '- ExecuteSpinner and ExecuteListView were removed.
    'DBUtils.ExecuteSpinner(SQL, "SELECT strftime('%Y', datein) As Year FROM payables order  by cid desc", Null, 0, spnryr)
    ExecuteSpinner(SQL, "SELECT strftime('%Y', datein) As Year FROM payables order  by cid desc", Null, 0, spnryr)
End Sub

Sub ExecuteSpinner(xsql As SQL, xquery As String, xstring_args() As String, xlimit As Int, xspinner As Spinner)
    Dim itens As List
    Dim Table As List
    Table = DBUtils.ExecuteMemoryTable(xsql, xquery, xstring_args, xlimit)
    Dim Cols() As String
    For i = 0 To Table.Size - 1
        Cols = Table.Get(i)
        #if b4a
        #End If
        #if b4j
        #End If
    #if b4j
    #End If
End Sub

I used the most recent sqlite library: sqlite-jdbc-3.34.0.jar


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