I have a table created in Excel and I would like to use the data in my App.
The table looks something like this: (my app has nothing to do with fruits...but it's easier to explain it by making it simple)
In my app I would like to ask questions. The question is randomly created and will look like this:
APPLE is a FRUIT. What COLOUR is it?
The answers are multiple choice where the replies are randomly generated from the Colour column (two wrong, one right answer).
I could very easily create this in Excel/visual basic but how would I go about it in B4A? I'm not a database wizard. Can I get this done without using database? I.e. load the table into B4A and use commands to generate the questions? I'm not going to write anything to the table. It will be read only.
I haven't even started this app yet so I have no code to show. As I said, I've never dealt with tables before. My apps so far have been a bit simpler and the data has been so limited that I could just store them as values in the code. This time around I will have hundreds of rows of data so I need a better solution...ideally not involving SQL since I quite suck at it...
I have a table created in Excel and I would like to use the data in my App.
The table looks something like this: (my app has nothing to do with fruits...but it's easier to explain it by making it simple)
Fruit Apple Green
Fruit Banana Yellow
Fruit Orange Orange
Vegetable Tomato Red
Vegetable Cauliflower White
Meat Beef Steak Red
Meat Chicken Pink
In my app I would like to ask questions. The question is randomly created and will look like this:
APPLE is a FRUIT. What COLOUR is it?
The answers are multiple choice where the replies are randomly generated from the Colour column (two wrong, one right answer).
I could very easily create this in Excel/visual basic but how would I go about it in B4A? I'm not a database wizard. Can I get this done without using database? I.e. load the table into B4A and use commands to generate the questions? I'm not going to write anything to the table. It will be read only.
I haven't even started this app yet so I have no code to show. As I said, I've never dealt with tables before. My apps so far have been a bit simpler and the data has been so limited that I could just store them as values in the code. This time around I will have hundreds of rows of data so I need a better solution...ideally not involving SQL since I quite suck at it...
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