I'm trying to replace a file with a new version within the app, but I having some issue.
Unfiltered log shows nothing.
I have this:
kvs is initialized from dirinternal at the starter object... could it be datastore3 not being overwritten because it's in use?
Thank you!
I'm trying to replace a file with a new version within the app, but I having some issue.
Unfiltered log shows nothing.
I have this:
'kvs.Initialize(File.DirInternal, "datastore3") '<---------- this doesn't work; kvs (a keyvaluestore object) remains empty
kvs.Initialize(File.DirInternalCache, "datastore3") '<------ this does wok.
kvs is initialized from dirinternal at the starter object... could it be datastore3 not being overwritten because it's in use?
Thank you!