Android Question FIle.DirRootExternal

rogel a. tolentino

Licensed User
For more than a month until now I can not view the File DirRootexternal in an android phone. I tried all the codes recommended by b4x but all failed.
when i use the command log(File.DirRootExternal) the display is /storage/emulated/0
When i open the file manager in an android phone I can not see the folder /storage/emulated/o
You said this can be accessed by file manager.
Can you teach me?
My first goal is to read a textfile located anywhere in an android phone either internal or external.
Can you show example


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You are making duplicate posts. That's not good.

Anyway, the root folder can have all kinds of names. The root folder (File.DirRootExternal) should be the first folder to show when you open a file manager.
If you want to write a file to File.DirRootExternal then you need to request the permission at runtime.
Watch the runtime permissions video tutorial.

My first goal is to read a textfile located anywhere in an android phone either internal or external.
Internal files cannot be accessed by other applications.
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