Working with emulator, (for now) I am reading a file that I previously saved in FileDirAssets. I see that it corresponds to "Files" folder inside the particular project folder. I would like to write a new one (a txt file), derived from the first file. My purpose is to examine this latter by other programs. If I try to write to DirAssets, with a TextWriter, I get something like a "file doesn't exist exception" and I argue that I cannot write there, because otherwise such message has no sense during writing. Moreover everything seem to work using DirRootExternal, for example. My problem is that I don't know where DirRootExternal or DirDefaultExternal physically are.. My emulator was created with SD card. I guess DirRootExternal could be "there". But where in my machine? Or they don't exists after program execution? If so, how to have a file that survives to b4a program execution?