I have a few questions to ask related to filing system in Android for betterment of my understanding...
I have a few questions to ask related to filing system in Android for betterment of my understanding...
- By default, the current directory of an application corresponds to the "files" sub-directory that is automatically created at the root of the setup directory of the application. Is this True?
- How to get full path of current directory on storage media?
- How to change default current directory so that after that change all the file operations should happen in that directory only?
- Usually an Android application is installed under /data/data/<package name>.<application name> directory. Is this the case for B4A app also?
- How to prevent an app from getting installed or moved to External SD Card?
- Are there any way by which we can specify common storage location for multiple apps that we develop?
- If by chance an app is installed on external SD Card and the user connects his device to the PC in mass storage mode what would happen and how can we handle this situation?