Android Question Find my app's files on a device?


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I have a file manager app on my device and I'd like to check my app's local files on the device. Is that possible? I can't see my package code in the root>sdcard>Android>data folder. I can see anywheresoftware.b4a.b4abridge though, and I guess that's because I'm only building a debug app.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I have a file manager app on my device and I'd like to check my app's local files on the device. Is that possible? I can't see my package code in the root>sdcard>Android>data folder. I can see anywheresoftware.b4a.b4abridge though, and I guess that's because I'm only building a debug app.

Install (in release mode ) a small test app to confirm your theory .

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Licensed User
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Even when I install a release mode version of my app, I can't see my app's package code in the root>sdcard>Android>data folder.
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Longtime User
Have not tested .. but this should return path / folder of your installed app.

Thanks and I'm sorry but I should have been clearer with my question. I can find my app's .APK file on the device in debug mode (but not under my app's package code in release mode) but I want to know whether I can browse the files that I'm saving into File.DirInternalCache on the device using a file system browser?
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Longtime User
Bummer. For some reason I had the impression that Android wasn't sandboxed like iOS. It's good that it is, of course. :)
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