Android Question Firebase integration question


Licensed User
Longtime User
Erel posted news about Firebase integration yesterday but I have 2 questions:
1 - The first thing in his post was: "Firebase depends on B4A v6+ which was not yet released." so... We can't use Firebase yet based on the tutorial you posted?
2 - When B4A v6 is going to be released? :D:)

Thank you!


Licensed User
Longtime User
additional about firebase features. Paid and free

Firebase's paid infrastructure products are the Realtime Database, Firebase Storage, Hosting, and Test Lab. We offer a free tier for all of these products except Test Lab.

Firebase also has many free products: Analytics, Notifications, Crash Reporting, Authentication, Remote Config, Dynamic Links, Firebase Invites, and App Indexing. You can use an unlimited amount of these in all plans, including our free Spark Plan.
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