Proceeded as follows
1 Copied FMC_Show pasted as FBBase
2 Changed Package to SA.ED.FBBase
3 In firebase
a. Create FBBase/South Africa
b. Add firebase to android app Package = SA.ED.FBBase
c. Register app
d. Download GoogleServices Json
e. Got services key token
4 In App FBBase
a. Paste token as FCM_Key
b. Changed MY Name to FarmBase
5 Compiled to ASUS tablet via bridge
a. Pass Error “There was a problem parsing the package”
b. Inactivated following lines in Manifest
AddManifestText( <permission android:name="${applicationId}.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" android
rotectionLevel="signature" />)
6 Re-Compiled to ASUS tablet
a. Log
Logger connected to: asus ME371MG
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
Copying updated assets files (1)
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
no extras
*** Service (firebasemessaging) Create ***
** Service (firebasemessaging) Start **
*** Service (httputils2service) Create ***
** Service (httputils2service) Start **
Back from Job:SendMessageTopic
Response from server: {"message_id":7077560981545958573}
** Service (firebasemessaging) Start **
Message arrived
Message data: {data={"FCMToken":"","MessType":"ImHere","NickName":"FarmBase_192.168.1.7"}}
ID: 0:1499244335459091%bcb1963cf9fd7ecd
From: /topics/all
(MyMap) {data={"FCMToken":"","MessType":"ImHere","NickName":"FarmBase_192.168.1.7"}}
adding chats...
7 Repeated as above with Name Changed to FBCell1 and package to SA.ED.FBCell1. Complied to Huawei Cell phone
8 Nothing received from other device
1 Copied FMC_Show pasted as FBBase
2 Changed Package to SA.ED.FBBase
3 In firebase
a. Create FBBase/South Africa
b. Add firebase to android app Package = SA.ED.FBBase
c. Register app
d. Download GoogleServices Json
e. Got services key token
4 In App FBBase
a. Paste token as FCM_Key
b. Changed MY Name to FarmBase
5 Compiled to ASUS tablet via bridge
a. Pass Error “There was a problem parsing the package”
b. Inactivated following lines in Manifest
AddManifestText( <permission android:name="${applicationId}.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" android
6 Re-Compiled to ASUS tablet
a. Log
Logger connected to: asus ME371MG
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
Copying updated assets files (1)
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
no extras
*** Service (firebasemessaging) Create ***
** Service (firebasemessaging) Start **
*** Service (httputils2service) Create ***
** Service (httputils2service) Start **
Back from Job:SendMessageTopic
Response from server: {"message_id":7077560981545958573}
** Service (firebasemessaging) Start **
Message arrived
Message data: {data={"FCMToken":"","MessType":"ImHere","NickName":"FarmBase_192.168.1.7"}}
ID: 0:1499244335459091%bcb1963cf9fd7ecd
From: /topics/all
(MyMap) {data={"FCMToken":"","MessType":"ImHere","NickName":"FarmBase_192.168.1.7"}}
adding chats...
7 Repeated as above with Name Changed to FBCell1 and package to SA.ED.FBCell1. Complied to Huawei Cell phone
8 Nothing received from other device