Android Question Firebase messaging in 5 minutes - Problem


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Longtime User
Proceeded as follows
1 Copied FMC_Show pasted as FBBase
2 Changed Package to SA.ED.FBBase
3 In firebase
a. Create FBBase/South Africa
b. Add firebase to android app Package = SA.ED.FBBase
c. Register app
d. Download GoogleServices Json
e. Got services key token
4 In App FBBase
a. Paste token as FCM_Key
b. Changed MY Name to FarmBase
5 Compiled to ASUS tablet via bridge
a. Pass Error “There was a problem parsing the package”
b. Inactivated following lines in Manifest

AddManifestText( <permission android:name="${applicationId}.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" android:p rotectionLevel="signature" />)
6 Re-Compiled to ASUS tablet
a. Log

Logger connected to: asus ME371MG
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
Copying updated assets files (1)
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
no extras

*** Service (firebasemessaging) Create ***
** Service (firebasemessaging) Start **
*** Service (httputils2service) Create ***
** Service (httputils2service) Start **
Back from Job:SendMessageTopic
Response from server: {"message_id":7077560981545958573}

** Service (firebasemessaging) Start **
Message arrived
Message data: {data={"FCMToken":"","MessType":"ImHere","NickName":"FarmBase_192.168.1.7"}}
ID: 0:1499244335459091%bcb1963cf9fd7ecd
From: /topics/all
(MyMap) {data={"FCMToken":"","MessType":"ImHere","NickName":"FarmBase_192.168.1.7"}}
adding chats...

7 Repeated as above with Name Changed to FBCell1 and package to SA.ED.FBCell1. Complied to Huawei Cell phone
8 Nothing received from other device


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Longtime User
7 Repeated as above with Name Changed to FBCell1 and package to SA.ED.FBCell1. Complied to Huawei Cell phone

Looks like you changed the package name to something different to what is registered in the Google console?
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