Android Question Firebase Notifications, sometimes dont received nothing


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I'm working on a chat proyect, with the FireBaseNotification, and its great to work, and work excellent, i have a Beta working with some users and all work great

but i don't know, some days, the service dont work (like today), Send a messages (i see the number from message) but not recive fm_MessageArrived , i change the users SuscribeToTopic, or create new but don't work.. :(

i don't know because i'm try the beta 4 days working excellent... all messages work to all users
-is possible the FireBaseNotification service stop some times????
-is more better work with another way ... like WebSocketClientLibrary ... to make a chat?



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-is possible the FireBaseNotification service stop some times????
The service and process will start automatically when a message arrives.

-is more better work with another way ... like WebSocketClientLibrary ... to make a chat?
The WebSocket solution is good while the app is running in the foreground. For background solutions (like Whatsapp) the push notifications is the best way.

Are you sure that you have ran your app in release mode?
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The service and process will start automatically when a message arrives.

The WebSocket solution is good while the app is running in the foreground. For background solutions (like Whatsapp) the push notifications is the best way.

Are you sure that you have ran your app in release mode?

-I know, the service start automatically, because i'm used on a chat with 15 people working perfectly.
-The strange thing is not work today. ( I loaded a basic example with a single code to send and received ping message, creating a new count firebase ... new name build with new KeyCloudMessages... but dont work

-yes i think the best way to make a background solution is a push notifications, for that i'm use FCM, i believe its a great solution.
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1. Don't kill the app by swiping it from the recent apps list. It can prevent it from starting again.

2. Test it with a device that is connected to the mobile network.

I test from mobile network..but dont have results....

is the really strange, because i see the MESSAGEID return from FCM with IDNUMBER, but dont work service FirebaseMessaging, ..., i change the another SubscribeToTopic, and dont work.... (some times i change the SubscribeToTopic a new one, and work perfectly....., i believe the FCM messages are in big SPOOLER, and resend to many hours, for that i change SubscribeToTopic and get instant the messages)
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Have you tried setting the priority to high?
yes i try, with and without high, but not results....

i don't know why, but now received 1 message from last 1 hour, and nothing else...
i try with 3g and wifi, with hight and without.... :(
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I think today has some lag issue firebase.. I'm trying different things and message will not be receive

I think the same, but can i believe !!!
yesterday work perfectly, my project chat is work around 5 days working good... (some times i have a delayed on receive messages, but i believe is any wrong my...)
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Now all is work...... and i'm not touch nothing....
confirm !!!!!! today >>> the firebasenotifications is a litle unstable !!!!!!
i hope tomorrow is perfect !!!!!

Someone know a good system "PUSH" to make a "whatsapp" on background ???
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