B4J Question firebase verification for signed in users


Licensed User
I tried to follow the following example for Google authentication

but I get the same error that I have seen in the forum in some posts without any answer.

Waiting for debugger to connect...
Program started.
2023-08-09 18:25:05.354:INFO :cmvl.MLog:MLog-Init-Reporter: MLog clients using slf4j logging.
2023-08-09 18:25:06.022:INFO :cmvc.C3P0Registry:main: Initializing c3p0- [built 08-December-2015 22:06:04 -0800; debug? true; trace: 10]
2023-08-09 18:25:06.497:INFO :oejs.Server:main: jetty-11.0.9; built: 2022-03-30T17:44:47.085Z; git: 243a48a658a183130a8c8de353178d154ca04f04; jvm 11.0.1+13
2023-08-09 18:25:06.684:INFO :oejss.DefaultSessionIdManager:main: Session workerName=node0
2023-08-09 18:25:06.707:INFO :oejsh.ContextHandler:main: Started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@3a5ecce3{/,file:///C:/Users/MacBookPro/Desktop/Sistema%20Prestamos%20Cloud/Prestamos%20Cloud/Objects/www/,AVAILABLE}
2023-08-09 18:25:06.760:INFO :oejs.RequestLogWriter:main: Opened C:\Users\MacBookPro\Desktop\Sistema Prestamos Cloud\Prestamos Cloud\Objects\logs\b4j-2023_08_10.request.log
2023-08-09 18:25:06.781:INFO :oejs.AbstractConnector:main: Started ServerConnector@782859e{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{}
2023-08-09 18:25:06.828:INFO :oejus.SslContextFactory:main: x509=X509@30b19518(1,h=[localhost],a=[/],w=[]) for Server@62e20a76[provider=null,keyStore=file:///C:/Users/MacBookPro/Desktop/Sistema%20Prestamos%20Cloud/Prestamos%20Cloud/Objects/localhost.jks,trustStore=null]
2023-08-09 18:25:07.007:INFO :oejs.AbstractConnector:main: Started ServerConnector@69ee81fc{SSL, (ssl, http/1.1)}{}
2023-08-09 18:25:07.012:INFO :oejs.Server:main: Started Server@1f81aa00{STARTING}[11.0.9,sto=0] @3410ms
Emulated network latency: 100ms
    at com.google.api.client.repackaged.com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument(Preconditions.java:111)
    at com.google.api.client.util.Preconditions.checkArgument(Preconditions.java:37)
    at com.google.api.client.json.webtoken.JsonWebSignature$Parser.parse(JsonWebSignature.java:599)
    at com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseToken.parse(FirebaseToken.java:81)
    at com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseAuth$1.call(FirebaseAuth.java:143)
    at com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseAuth$1.call(FirebaseAuth.java:140)
    at com.google.firebase.tasks.Tasks$1.run(Tasks.java:63)
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128)
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628)
    at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)
Token verification failed

I guess my real question is where did I get the VerifyToken("eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjE1ZWE4ZDBkMDI1ZDExNGFiNzU0MmQ2OT...")

I thought I could create it by sending the google email and password parameters but I can't find any function that allows me to do it.

I am not very good with this I always rely on the guides I do not know if this library is still functional.

i all ready have de json file from the image

this is my main code:

main code:
#Region Project Attributes
    #MergeLibraries: True
    #AdditionalJar: mysql-connector-j-8.1.0.jar
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    Public srvr As Server
    Public pool As ConnectionPool
    Private fs As FirebaseServer
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
    srvr.Port = 51042
    srvr.StaticFilesFolder = File.Combine(File.DirApp, "www")
    srvr.AddWebSocket("/login", "login")
    srvr.AddWebSocket("/Dashboard", "Dashboard")
    srvr.AddFilter("/b4j_ws.js", "SessionCreator", False)
    fs.Initialize("fs", File.OpenInput(File.DirAssets, "sistema-prestamos-cloud-firebase-adminsdk-j5vcp-6e3a8c3bed.json"))
    'open browser and navigate to:
End Sub

'Sub fs_TokenVerified (TokenId As String, Success As Boolean, Token As FirebaseToken)
'    If Success Then
'        Log(Token.DisplayName)
'        Log(Token.Email)
'        Log(Token.Uid)
'    End If
'End Sub

Sub verifytoken(token As String)
End Sub

Sub fs_TokenVerified (TokenId As String, Success As Boolean, Token As FirebaseToken)
   If Success Then
      Log("User verified:")
      Log("Display Name: " & Token.DisplayName)
      Log("Email: " & Token.Email)
      Log("User ID: " & Token.Uid)
      Log("Token verification failed")
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub ConfigureSSL (SslPort As Int)
    'example of SSL connector configuration
    Dim ssl As SslConfiguration
    ssl.SetKeyStorePath(File.DirApp, "localhost.jks") 'path to keystore file
    ssl.KeyStorePassword = "xxxxxx"
    ssl.KeyManagerPassword = "xxxxxxx"
    srvr.SetSslConfiguration(ssl, SslPort)
    'add filter to redirect all traffic from http to https (optional)
    srvr.AddFilter("/*", "HttpsFilter", False)
End Sub

public Sub ValidarUsuario(ws As WebSocket, lblusernamemain As JQueryElement)
        If ws.Session.GetAttribute("id_usuario") = Null Or 0 = ws.Session.GetAttribute("id_usuario") Then           
        End If       
    End Try
End Sub

thanks for your help


Licensed User
Longtime User
You mean you are not sure how to get the token string starts with eyJh...?
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Licensed User
I think this is a misunderstanding I've had what I want to do is just to show a login popup window to get the: email name and uid of the user I thought this could help me like firebaseAuth does in b4i or b4a but I understood that it is only to validate that data so I had no idea where to get the JWT token I will read other documentation and guides to find what I need, thank you very much for your time in responding to this post if you have a link to a post that can help me with what I need I would appreciate it, greetings.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I think this is a misunderstanding I've had what I want to do is just to show a login popup window to get the: email name and uid of the user I thought this could help me like firebaseAuth does in b4i or b4a but I understood that it is only to validate that data so I had no idea where to get the JWT token I will read other documentation and guides to find what I need, thank you very much for your time in responding to this post if you have a link to a post that can help me with what I need I would appreciate it, greetings.
I guess you are looking for this
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Licensed User
ok, the question I had was not so difficult to answer I leave the steps in case some newbie like me, has the same problem.

this is how I got it if anyone else needs to know about this

Sub Class_Globals
    Private google_login As JQueryElement 'make sure this is the id of the button'
    Private facebook_login As JQueryElement 'make sure this is the id of the button'
    Private jscript As String
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
var firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "...",
authDomain: "...",
projectId: "...",
appId: "..."

End Sub

Private Sub WebSocket_Connected (WebSocket1 As WebSocket)
    ws = WebSocket1 
End Sub

Sub google_login_Click (Params As Map)
    Log("btn google precionado")
    ws.Eval("setTimeout(function() { signInWithGoogle(); }, 100);", Null)
End Sub

Sub facebook_login_Click (Params As Map)

    Log("btn facebook precionado")
    ws.Eval("setTimeout(function() { signInWithFacebook(); }, 100);", Null)
End Sub

Sub event_register(variable As Map)
    Log("llamaron al event register")
    Dim token As String = variable.Get("tk")
End Sub

Sub fs_TokenVerified (TokenId As String, Success As Boolean, Token As FirebaseToken)
    If Success Then
    End If
End Sub

'in the main tab'
Sub Process_Globals
    Public fs As FirebaseServer
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
    fs.Initialize("fs", File.OpenInput(File.DirAssets,"file.json")) 'put this in the file tab      
End Sub

'In the html put these scripts'

function signInWithGoogle() {
var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
.then((result) => {
firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken(true).then(function(idToken) {
    var token = idToken;
    b4j_raiseEvent('event_register', {tk:token});
}).catch(function(error) {

.catch((error) => {

// Facebook sign-in function
function signInWithFacebook() {
var provider = new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider();
.then((result) => {
firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken(true).then(function(idToken) {
  var token = idToken;
  b4j_raiseEvent('event_register', {tk:token});
}).catch(function(error) {

.catch((error) => { 

with this you can now obtain:
but if you need the url of the image as in my case this can help:

I am not sure (and I think not) if sending by the eval function is the most optimal in security matters but it is the way I know to make it work without at least paste the code in html and that when you give inspect the page you see the credentials of the firebase project, I hope this can help someone in the forum and if any expert reads it that can support us to explain how to do it in a safer way, greetings to all. and thanks to @tummosoft for the support with his libraries and code submitted to the forum.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Dim token As String = variable.Get("tk")

You can get the token without using Websocket. Check the B4J-SendingTool

Private ServiceAccountFilePath As String = "C:\Users\H\Downloads\b4a-test1-firebase-adminsdk-9ze0o-ecfe854c74.json" 'change
Dim Token As String = GetTokenValue(ServiceAccountFilePath)

Private Sub GetTokenValue (FilePath As String) As String
    Dim GoogleCredentials As JavaObject
    Dim Credentials As JavaObject = GoogleCredentials.RunMethodJO("fromStream", Array(File.OpenInput(FilePath, ""))) _
        .RunMethod("createScoped", Array(Array As String("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/firebase.messaging")))
    Credentials.RunMethod("refreshIfExpired", Null)
    Return Credentials.RunMethodJO("getAccessToken", Null).RunMethod("getTokenValue", Null)
End Sub

Edit: Above code only works for Firebase token in B4J. I can't get token from B4A with FirebaseAuth app.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Finally I managed to solve my issue with FirebaseAuth.

You need to get the token id from the client with FirebaseAuth.GetUserTokenId

Sub Auth_SignedIn (User As FirebaseUser)
    Log("SignedIn: " & User.DisplayName)
    'CallSub(Main, "SetState")
    auth.GetUserTokenId(User, False)
End Sub

Sub Auth_TokenAvailable (User As FirebaseUser, Success As Boolean, TokenId As String)
End Sub
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