Yesterday I received an ESP32 microcontroller and I started testing it.
My wish is to port my 3D graphics library to the microcontroller with a display. But at the moment it seems like too daring a goal for my very little knowledge of B4R.
So I started with a simple project, creating an http server. Well after a few hours of banging my head to understand how to configure B4r and have the device recognized and that the debugging is very poor, I understand that there are no classes, lists, maps, that the functions only return basic data, the strings do not they are concatenated with neither with -& nor with +, that there are no services and that the types cannot contain objects, or at least if they contain them they do not work correctly....
I produced my first server... still in its infancy
My wish is to port my 3D graphics library to the microcontroller with a display. But at the moment it seems like too daring a goal for my very little knowledge of B4R.
So I started with a simple project, creating an http server. Well after a few hours of banging my head to understand how to configure B4r and have the device recognized and that the debugging is very poor, I understand that there are no classes, lists, maps, that the functions only return basic data, the strings do not they are concatenated with neither with -& nor with +, that there are no services and that the types cannot contain objects, or at least if they contain them they do not work correctly....
I produced my first server... still in its infancy
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