Try to catch the smiley...
The LiveWallpaper library will probably be available tomorrow.
Here is the code:
'Service module
Sub Process_Globals
Dim lwm As LWManager
Dim x, y, vx, vy As Int
Dim initialized As Boolean: initialized = False
Dim boxSize As Int
Dim smileyBitmap As Bitmap
Dim backgroundColor As Int
backgroundColor = 0xff79CDCD
Dim Degrees As Int
End Sub
Sub Service_Create
lwm.Initialize("lwm", True)
vx = 10dip 'smiley speed
vy = 10dip
boxSize = 40dip
smileyBitmap.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "smiley.gif")
End Sub
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
End Sub
Sub Service_Destroy
End Sub
Sub lwm_SizeChanged (Engine As LWEngine)
If initialized = False Then
initialized = True
x = Engine.ScreenWidth / 2
y = Engine.ScreenHeight / 2
End If
End Sub
Sub lwm_VisibilityChanged (Engine As LWEngine, Visible As Boolean)
If Visible Then
End If
End Sub
Sub lwm_Tick (Engine As LWEngine)
If x > Engine.ScreenWidth Then
vx = -1 * Abs(vx)
Else If x < boxSize Then
vx = Abs(vx)
End If
If y + boxSize > Engine.ScreenHeight Then
vy = -1 * Abs(vy)
Else If y < boxSize Then
vy = Abs(vy)
End If
Engine.Rect.Top = y
Engine.Rect.Left = x
Engine.Rect.Bottom = y + boxSize
Engine.Rect.Right = x + boxSize
Engine.Canvas.DrawRect(Engine.Rect, backgroundColor, True, 1) 'Erase the previous smiley
x = x + vx
y = y + vy
Engine.Rect.Top = y
Engine.Rect.Left = x
Engine.Rect.Bottom = y + boxSize
Engine.Rect.Right = x + boxSize
Degrees = (Degrees + 10) Mod 360
Engine.Canvas.DrawBitmapRotated(SmileyBitmap, Null, Engine.Rect, Degrees) 'Draw the new smiley
End Sub
Sub lwm_Touch (Engine As LWEngine, Action As Int, tx As Float, ty As Float)
If Action <> 0 Then Return '0 is the value of Activity.ACTION_DOWN
If tx > x - boxSize AND tx < x + boxSize AND _
ty > y - boxSize AND ty < y + boxSize Then
vx = -vx 'change the smiley direction if the user pressed on it
vy = -vy
End If
Engine.Canvas.DrawCircle(tx, ty, 5dip, Colors.Red, False, 2dip)
Engine.Rect.Left = tx - 7dip
Engine.Rect.Top = ty - 7dip
Engine.Rect.Right = tx + 7dip
Engine.Rect.Bottom = ty + 7dip
End Sub
The APK is attached. You will need to install it and then long press on the home screen and add "My LiveWallpaper".