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I have been reading in the forums and understand the ForceDone set to True will hide the keyboard after information is entered in the EditText. I understand that it may be a limitation, yes?


Erel, did get the first Beta out. The B4A package cut 2/3's of my time off having to utilize Eclipse. Now cleaning it up a bit and starting on the next app. Thanks for you support and the team as well.


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Thanks for the reply.

I have the ForceDone set in the designer for the EditText item but it does not hide the keyboard. I can hit the back button to do so but I don't want to have the user do this.

THx Ron
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  • forceDone.png
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I am not sure I understand you image post. I ran the app and yes I have a Done but I do not get any feedback on it. I have the Force Done - True set in the EditText item in Designer.

Thanks R
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Ricky D

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I use the IME Library

I use it to pop up the keyboard when a view (like an edittext) gets focus and I hide the keyboard when it loses focus

Sub etMenuItem_FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean)
   u.SetFocus(etMenuItem, HasFocus, False, IME)
End Sub

in my utils code module named u :

Sub SetFocus(obj As Object, hasfocus As Boolean, updatedouble As Boolean, myIME As IME)
   If obj Is EditText Then
      Dim et As EditText 
      et = obj
      If hasfocus Then
         If updatedouble Then et.Text = FixDouble(et.Text)
      End If
   Else If obj Is AutoCompleteEditText Then
      Dim ace As AutoCompleteEditText 
      ace = obj
      If hasfocus Then 
      End If
   End If
End Sub

If you have any questions then please ask.

regards, Ricky
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Hmm, ok so the keyboard is there until the user selects done. That might work as they could request another transaction.

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@Ricky: I tried your code where I assumed that etMenuItem is the event name for all the editetxt views you wanted to work with. I replaced it with my event name which is MyEdit. It returned the following error:
Error description: Undeclared variable 'myedit' is used before it was assigned any value.
Occurred on line: 991
u.SetFocus(MyEdit, Hasfocus, False, IME)

I hope you correct my thinking.
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Ricky D

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@mahares - I code each FocusChanged event individually.

So in my example the edittext is etMenuItem and of course the FocusChanged event is tied to it.

For other edittexts they have their own FocusChanged events.

I need to do it that way because if one of them has a 2 digit double it gets corrected on lost focus. This means if I enter 12 it displays as 12.00 or if 12.3 then shows as 12.30

can you post all of your code please?
From what you posted it looks like myedit isn't declared

regards, Ricky
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Becaue I have several edittext views to do that to, I obviously could not declare that sub for each view. Therefore I did it using the Event name and the Sender keyword. And of course it works now. There is a jerking motion every time as it moves from box to box because it has to run the 'u' code module every time. The solution is more suitable when you do not have many editetxt views to apply it too. Below is the working code if someone wants to apply to several views. MyEdit is the event name for all concerned edittext view:
Sub MyEdit_FocusChanged(Hasfocus As Boolean)
         Dim Send As EditText
         u.SetFocus(Send, Hasfocus, False, IME)
End Sub
Thanks Ricky and keep that sharp brain and beautiful taxi tuned up.
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