B4J Question Form close question


Active Member
I am sure I am doing something wrong or don't understand something. When I close a form "frm.close" , the form closes, but I would expect that on the toolbar I would then see the tab for that form on the toolbar also disappear, so I am clearly doing something simply wrong. So what do I need to do to close an open form in addition to using "frm.close"?


Active Member
For anybody reading this thread, the problem is actually a lazy programmer. I have several forms opening. On my linux desktop, I had enabled the feature to hide the toolbar. I was trying to debug a part of my program, so I enabled the toolbar to show up as part of the process. This is where I ran into trouble, I had a number of no name forms opening up and was having a hard time keeping track of what form was closing. So I posted the above question. Upon further examination of my program, I made the lazy mistake of not titling the different forms to tell me what was open and what was closed (gone from the toolbar). So I actually had no problem. This was just basic 101 programming laziness. Sorry to bother you.
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