B4J Question Form does not load in JDK1.7 but OK with JDK1.8


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I have a litle form wich, when running fails on the line MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("form1"), if I try to compile with JDK 1.7, but works ok when compiled with JDK 1.8

I attach the form and the CSS.

Can some one help me to understand why it does throw an error when compiled with JDK1.7, because I need to compile with JDK 1.7. I probably need to change someting, but can figure out what.

Many thanks


  • form1.zip
    1.7 KB · Views: 235


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Hi Erel,

Attach error.jpg.

The error is not during compilation. Is during runtime (either debug or release.)

If I compile with JDK 1.8, the application runs perfectly. If I compile with JDK 1.7, it also compiles ok, but I get the error when I run the application.

The Java SE installed on my machine is 1.8.0_25


  • error.jpg
    218 KB · Views: 257
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Indeed I am.

I messed around a litle ith the form and now it runs OK, however I can not add the CSS file to scene builder, or I get an error during runtime, saying that stylesheet is not present or is read-only !!! (and of course it's present, it's not read-only and apears ok in scenebuilder)

So I solve part of the problem, and got a new one, as the CSS was working ok, previously with JDK8. But I'm not that worried with this one. Things do not look as I wanted to, but at least it works.
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