Wish Form size scale on Abstract Designer & automatically create variant to match layout size


Active Member
Licensed User
Three wishes which I think would make form/layout building easier;
1) Scale markings/rulers in the Abstract Designer window.
2) Allow dragging of the main (?root pane?) sides to allow easy resizing.
3) Addition of a 'Create matching variant' menu option which creates a new variant to the sizes set in the abstract designer window (and perhaps optionally deletes the existing variants).

When building a layout for a form, I tend to start with a variant size that I know is too big then lay out all the required views before checking the size actually required with the WYSIWYG designer and creating a new variant to suit.

I think that the steps involved could be reduced if the Abstract Designer window included horizontal & vertical scales/rulers. Once all the views were in place it would be immediately obvious how big the form/layout needed to be without needing to switch back and forth with the WYSIWYG designer (which can be cumbersome if you are working with a single small display).

Additional steps could be saved if we could drag out the sides of the main form ('Main' in the Views Tree) within the abstract designer window, and use a 'Create matching variant' menu option which automatically created a new variant that matched the dimensions set in the abstract designer.
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