Hello friends in my application crosses a string containing a link something like this:
The email comes right but came Outllok account like this:
https://www.pagodigital.com/verfactura.php?id 01904259099221
and so gmail account:
https://www.pagodigital.com/verfactura.php?id 01904259099221
I removed the = sign and I replaced with a space
and this gives me error when click on it
What is the solution?
link = "https://www.pagodigital.com/verfactura.php?id=01904259099221"
SendEmail (link)
Sub SendEmail (link As String)
Dim server As String : server= "smtp.gmail.com"
Dim port As Int : port= 465
Dim emailname As String : emailname="[email protected]"
Dim password As String : password="xxxxxx"
Dim protocol As String : protocol="SMTP"
Dim destEmailAdress As String : destEmailAdress="[email protected]"
SMTP1.Initialize(server, port, emailname, password, protocol)
SMTP1.UseSSL = True
' Enviar
SMTP1.To.Add (destEmailAdress)
SMTP1.Subject = "Cupón de pago para la donación de MultiGuía DIGITAL 2013"
SMTP1.Body = link
End Sub
The email comes right but came Outllok account like this:
https://www.pagodigital.com/verfactura.php?id 01904259099221
and so gmail account:
https://www.pagodigital.com/verfactura.php?id 01904259099221
I removed the = sign and I replaced with a space
and this gives me error when click on it
What is the solution?
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