B4J Library FormUtils

Here are some formutilities that I find useful pretty often. So I put them all in one static class And I thought I'd share it.

The most important one, I just found (GetIcons in the lib) allows you to add an icon to display it in the taskbar when the form is minimized (Iconified), I've been looking for that for a while. It has the bonus of also adding the Icon to the form.

The attached Is the source code, plus a FUtils_KeyCombinations class that can be used with the SetFullScreenExitKeyCode. Did I mention that it also has methods To set full screen (And a method To display a hint For how To get out of it) and Set Iconified. There are other methods that I use regularly too.

Being a static code module, you need To pass the Target Form object To each method along with any other required parameters.

Documentation Courtesy of Informatix LibDoc

Version: 0.1
  • FUtils_KeyCombinations
    • Fields:
      • KC_ALT As String
      • KC_CONTROL As String
      • KC_SHIFT As String
      • KC_SHORTCUT As String
    • Functions:
      • GetKeyCombination (Combination As String()) As Object
      • Process_Globals As String
  • FormUtils
    • Functions:
      • GetIcons (F As Form) As List
        Gets the icon images to be used in the window decorations and when minimized.
        Also adds the icon to the form
        <code>Dim Img As Image = fx.LoadImage(File.DirAssets,"icon.png")
      • GetMinHeight (F As Form) As Double
        Gets the value of the property minHeight.
      • GetMinWidth (F As Form) As Double
        Gets the value of the property minWidth.
      • IsAlwaysOnTop (F As Form) As Boolean
        Gets the value of the property alwaysOnTop.
      • IsFullScreen (F As Form) As Boolean
        Gets the value of the property fullScreen.
      • IsIconified (F As Form) As Boolean
        Gets the value of the property iconified.
      • IsMaximized (F As Form) As Boolean
        Gets the value of the property maximized.
      • IsResizable (F As Form) As Boolean
        Gets the value of the property resizable.
      • Process_Globals As String
      • SetFullScreen (F As Form, Value As Boolean) As String
        Sets the value of the property fullScreen.
      • SetFullScreenExitHint (F As Form, Value As String) As String
        Specifies the text to show when a user enters full screen mode, usually used to indicate the way a user should go about exiting out of full screen mode.
      • SetFullScreenExitKeyCombination (F As Form, TKeyCombination As Object) As String
        Specifies the KeyCombination that will allow the user to exit full screen mode.
      • SetIconified (F As Form, Value As Boolean) As String
        Sets the value of the property iconified.
      • SetMaxHeight (F As Form, Value As Double) As String
        Sets the value of the property maxHeight.
      • SetMaximized (F As Form, Value As Boolean) As String
        Sets the value of the property maximized.
      • SetMaxWidth (F As Form, Value As Double) As String
        Sets the value of the property maxWidth.
      • SetMinHeight (F As Form, Value As Double) As String
        Sets the value of the property minHeight.
      • SetMinWidth (F As Form, Value As Double) As String
        Sets the value of the property minWidth.
      • ToBack (F As Form) As String
        Send the Window to the background.
      • ToFront (F As Form) As String
        Bring the Window to the foreground.

Requires JavaObject


  • FormUtils.zip
    16.3 KB · Views: 1,339
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how do you disable screen hints..?

I don't want anything to tell hem how to exit screen...


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Longtime User
Try setting the hint as an empty string FormUtils.SetFullScreenExitHint(MainForm,"")