I'd like the B4X form search to allow me to search only the current forum. Maybe have a dropdown menu beside the Search box that says "Current Forum Only". That way more search options could be added at a later date like "All Words", "Today", "Last Week", "Last Month", "Last Year" etc..
Often I know I've seen a thread in a specific forum, but I can't find it because the search filter gets clogged up with old threads from other forums.
Or it may have been posted in the last week and I can't find it, so a "Last Week" search option would be great because it will search only the posts from the last 7 days.
Often I know I've seen a thread in a specific forum, but I can't find it because the search filter gets clogged up with old threads from other forums.
Or it may have been posted in the last week and I can't find it, so a "Last Week" search option would be great because it will search only the posts from the last 7 days.