Foxpro DBF to Android SQLite


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I need to manipulate a Foxpro DBF file in B4A. ( FPD2.6, not VFP )
This means I need to convert to SQL and then eventually back to DBF.
Hopefully I can do this conversion to and from within Foxpro
Has anyone tried doing this?



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I suggest output from Foxpro to csv.

Import into SQLlite using csv. SQLlite Expert Professional will import on your desktop. There are many examples here of importing the csv in an apk.

Back into Foxpro from sql - csv again. I don't know of any direct method - table to table - that exists.
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I use ms access as datacenter - there exists odbc drivers for sqlite and the use of foxpro is also now problem. Create the sqlite databases, then make append queries to fill then with data.
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Bill Norris

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sqlite ODBC Driver

I've been trying to use the sqlite obdc driver to connect Access to an sqlite database. I create the datasource in ODBC administrator with no issue. However, when I attempt to use that datasource to link or import tables into Access, I get one of those lovely "Msacess has enountered a serious error and will close". I don't know what to do now!
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i used the odbc driver from this source:

SQLite ODBC Driver

exactly the sqlite 3 odbc driver. There are a lot of options to configure; but the normal setup worked. Only when i changed the data structure, it was better to renew the connection.

Greetings from austria, Reinhard
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