Hi guys!
I'm losing a customer because of the damned network library!
For my app is created a csv file and then upload to a FTP in passive mode under 3G network
I'm facing the following situations:
- the file is uploaded, the sub ftp_uploaded completed raise no error (strange that if I put a msgbox in the success event, it never shows!!) but it never arrives on the remote FTP
- the file arrives and is 0 Kb!
my customer is very angry and I don't know how to fix this, the app runs on Android 4.0
please help!
this is my code for creating and sending over FTP the file
I'm losing a customer because of the damned network library!
For my app is created a csv file and then upload to a FTP in passive mode under 3G network
I'm facing the following situations:
- the file is uploaded, the sub ftp_uploaded completed raise no error (strange that if I put a msgbox in the success event, it never shows!!) but it never arrives on the remote FTP
- the file arrives and is 0 Kb!
my customer is very angry and I don't know how to fix this, the app runs on Android 4.0
please help!
this is my code for creating and sending over FTP the file
Sub Panel1_Click 'invio dati
Dim server As ServerSocket
server.Initialize(0, "")
If server.GetMyIP = "" Then 'this is the localhost address
'no connection
Msgbox2("Nessuna Connessione!",Main.nomeprog,"","Ok","",LoadBitmap (File.DirAssets, "warning_256.png"))
Dim Answ As Int
Answ=Msgbox2("Confermi Invio Dati?",Main.nomeprog,"Si","","No",LoadBitmap (File.DirAssets, "warning_256.png"))
If Answ=DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
TxtLog.Text=" "
Awake.KeepAlive(True) 'evitiamo lo stand by
ProgressBar1.Visible = True
TxtLog.Visible = True
LblStatus.Visible = True
LblProgress.Visible = True
ProgressBar1.Progress = 0
CheckBox1.Enabled = False
Panel1.Enabled = False
Panel2.Enabled = False
Panel3.Enabled = False
fileord = ""
fileinc = ""
' generiamo prima il nome del file ordini
Dim dataexp As String
Dim now As Long
now = DateTime.now
fileord = "ordini"&DateTime.GetYear(now)
If DateTime.GetMonth(now) < 10 Then
fileord = fileord&"0"&DateTime.GetMonth(now)
fileord = fileord&""&DateTime.GetMonth(now)
End If
If DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(now) < 10 Then
fileord = fileord&"0"&DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(now)
fileord = fileord&""&DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(now)
End If
If DateTime.GetHour(now) < 10 Then
fileord = fileord&"0"&DateTime.GetHour(now)
fileord = fileord&""&DateTime.GetHour(now)
End If
If DateTime.GetMinute(now) < 10 Then
fileord = fileord&"0"&DateTime.GetMinute(now)
fileord = fileord&""&DateTime.GetMinute(now)
End If
If DateTime.GetSecond(now) < 10 Then
fileord = fileord&"0"&DateTime.GetSecond(now)
fileord = fileord&""&DateTime.GetSecond(now)
End If
fileord = fileord&"_"&IdAge.Trim&".csv"
dataexp = fileord.SubString2(12,14)&"/"&fileord.SubString2(10,12)&"/"&fileord.SubString2(6,10)
' recuperiamo i dati da inserire nel file csv da inviare
Dim numfiles As Int
numfiles = 0
' ordini
Dim stringarecord,note_ord As String
Dim Cursor1 As Cursor
Dim List1 As List
Cursor1 = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT Seriale,IdOrd,IdCli,IdArt,Um,QtaOrd,QtaOma,ImpUni,Sconto1,Sconto2,Sconto3,Sconto4,AliIva,DataCons,NoteOrd from ORDINI where DataExp = 'NO'")
If Cursor1.RowCount > 0 Then
TxtLog.Text = "Creato File "& fileord &Chr(10)&TxtLog.Text
For i = 0 To Cursor1.RowCount - 1
Cursor1.Position = i
note_ord = note_ord.Replace(Chr(10),"; ") 'normalizzo il multiriga delle note su unica riga
stringarecord=stringarecord &Cursor1.GetString("IdOrd")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("IdCli")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("IdArt")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("Um")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("QtaOrd")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("QtaOma")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("ImpUni")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("Sconto1")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("Sconto2")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("Sconto3")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("Sconto4")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("AliIva")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("DataCons")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " ¬e_ord
' inseriamo adesso la DataExp sulle righe dell'ordine
Dim WhereFields As Map
WhereFields.Put("Seriale", Cursor1.GetString("Seriale"))
DBUtils.UpdateRecord(SQL1, "Ordini", "DataExp", dataexp, WhereFields)
numfiles = numfiles + 1
ProgressBar1.Progress = 25
If FTPMode="F" Then 'connessione FTP
TxtLog.Text = "Connessione FTP "& FTPHost &"(" &FTPPort &")" &" in Corso..." &Chr(10)&TxtLog.Text
TxtLog.Text = "Invio File "& fileord &Chr(10)&TxtLog.Text
FTP.UploadFile(sdRoot, fileord, True, fileord)
End If
If FTPMode="L" Then 'file locali
ProgressBar1.Progress = ProgressBar1.Progress + 25
End If
numfiles = numfiles
End If
' incassi
fileinc = "incassi"&fileord.SubString(7)
Cursor1 = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT Seriale,IdPar,IdCli,ImpInc,DataInc from PARAPE where DataExp = 'NO' and ImpInc <>'0'")
If Cursor1.RowCount > 0 Then
TxtLog.Text = "Creato File "& fileinc &Chr(10)&TxtLog.Text
For i = 0 To Cursor1.RowCount - 1
Cursor1.Position = i
stringarecord=stringarecord &Cursor1.GetString("IdPar")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &Cursor1.GetString("IdCli")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("ImpInc")&Chr(9)
stringarecord=stringarecord &" " &Cursor1.GetString("DataInc")&Chr(9)
' inseriamo adesso la DataExp sulle righe degli incassi
Dim WhereFields As Map
WhereFields.Put("Seriale", Cursor1.GetString("Seriale"))
DBUtils.UpdateRecord(SQL1, "Parape", "DataExp", dataexp, WhereFields)
numfiles = numfiles + 1
ProgressBar1.Progress = 75
If FTPMode="F" Then 'connessione FTP
TxtLog.Text = "Invio File "& fileinc &Chr(10)&TxtLog.Text
FTP.UploadFile(sdRoot, fileinc, True, fileinc)
End If
If FTPMode="L" Then 'file locali
ProgressBar1.Progress = ProgressBar1.Progress + 25
End If
End If
If numfiles = 0 Then 'nè ordini nè incassi
Msgbox2("Non ci Sono Dati da Inviare!",Main.nomeprog,"","Ok","",LoadBitmap (File.DirAssets, "warning_256.png"))
LblStatus.Visible = False
LblProgress.Visible = False
ProgressBar1.Visible = False
TxtLog.Visible = False
Awake.ReleaseKeepAlive 'togliamo lo standby
CheckBox1.Enabled = True
Panel1.Enabled = True
Panel2.Enabled = True
Panel3.Enabled = True
ProgressBar1.Progress = 100
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Timer1_Tick
Msgbox2("Invio completato!"&CRLF&"E' Necessario Uscire e Rientrare nel programma",Main.nomeprog,"","Ok","",LoadBitmap (File.DirAssets, "warning_256.png"))
If FTPMode="F" Then
'chiudo la connessione FTP
End If
LblStatus.Visible = False
LblProgress.Visible = False
ProgressBar1.Visible = False
TxtLog.Visible = False
Awake.ReleaseKeepAlive 'togliamo lo standby
CheckBox1.Enabled = True
Panel1.Enabled = True
Panel2.Enabled = True
Panel3.Enabled = True
' StartActivity(Main)
End Sub
Sub FTP_UploadProgress (ServerPath As String, TotalUploaded As Long, Total As Long)
Dim s As String
s = "Uploaded " & Round(TotalUploaded / 1000) & "KB"
If Total > 0 Then s = s & " out of " & Round(Total / 1000) & "KB"
LblProgress.Text = s
End Sub
Sub FTP_UploadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
Log(ServerPath & ", Success=" & Success)
If Success = True Then
ProgressBar1.Progress = ProgressBar1.Progress + 25
' If ProgressBar1.Progress = 50 Then
' inseriamo adesso la DataExp sulle righe degli ordini
' Dim dataexp As String
' dataexp = fileord.SubString2(12,14)&"/"&fileord.SubString2(10,12)&"/"&fileord.SubString2(6,10)
' Dim Reader As TextReader
' Reader.Initialize(File.OpenInput(sdRoot, fileord))
' Dim line As String
' Dim WhereFields As Map
' Do While line <> Null
' Try
' line = Reader.ReadLine.SubString2(0,14)
' WhereFields.Initialize
' WhereFields.Put("IdOrd", line)
' DBUtils.UpdateRecord(SQL1, "Ordini", "DataExp", dataexp, WhereFields)
' Catch
' Log(LastException.Message)
' End Try
' Loop
' End If
' If ProgressBar1.Progress = 100 Then
' inseriamo adesso la DataExp sulle righe degli incassi
' Dim Reader As TextReader
' Reader.Initialize(File.OpenInput(sdRoot, fileinc))
' Dim line As String
' Dim WhereFields As Map
' Do While line <> Null
' Try
' line = Reader.ReadLine.SubString2(0,4)
' line = line.Trim
' WhereFields.Initialize
' WhereFields.Put("Seriale", line)
' DBUtils.UpdateRecord(SQL1, "Parape", "DataExp", dataexp, WhereFields)
' Catch
' Log(LastException.Message)
' End Try
' Loop
' End If
Msgbox2("Errore nell'Invio!",Main.nomeprog,"","Ok","",LoadBitmap (File.DirAssets, "warning_256.png"))
End If
End Sub
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