after upgrading I'm having the following problem:
I download via FTP some jpgs, randomly the transfer stops
I use Filezilla Server and I get:
(003217)19/07/2020 19:44:53 - b2bgemitex (> 150 Opening data channel for file download from server of "/immagini/JACQ05.jpg"
(003217)19/07/2020 19:44:54 - b2bgemitex (> 425 Can't open data connection for transfer of "/immagini/JACQ05.jpg"
but on the B4A log I cannot trap this event because I see only the last transfer with success (JACQ04.jpg is the previous file):
using a previous version of B4A (6.80), at this time I get a timeout error, with this version nothing happens!
How can I trap this event?
this is my code btw
after upgrading I'm having the following problem:
I download via FTP some jpgs, randomly the transfer stops
I use Filezilla Server and I get:
(003217)19/07/2020 19:44:53 - b2bgemitex (> 150 Opening data channel for file download from server of "/immagini/JACQ05.jpg"
(003217)19/07/2020 19:44:54 - b2bgemitex (> 425 Can't open data connection for transfer of "/immagini/JACQ05.jpg"
but on the B4A log I cannot trap this event because I see only the last transfer with success (JACQ04.jpg is the previous file):
JACQ01.jpg - true
JACQ02.jpg - true
JACQ03.jpg - true
JACQ04.jpg - true
using a previous version of B4A (6.80), at this time I get a timeout error, with this version nothing happens!
How can I trap this event?
this is my code btw
Sub ScaricaImmagini
Dim ok As Boolean
ok = True
For i = 0 To ftpjobs.Size-1
If ok = True Then
FTP.DownloadFile("/immagini/"&ftpjobs.Get(i), False, sdRoot&"/img/", ftpjobs.Get(i))
Wait For FTP_DownloadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
Log(ftpjobs.Get(i)&" - "&Success)
CircularProgressBar1.Value = (totimmagini-(i+1))
If ChkLog.Checked=True Then
TxtLog.Text = "Download file "&(i+1)&" di "&totimmagini&" "&ServerPath &" completato"&Chr(10)&TxtLog.Text
End If
If Success = False Then
ok = False
End If
ok = False
End Try
End If
CircularProgressBar1.Value = 100
If ok = False Then
Msgbox2("Errore di Collegamento, Riprovare!",Main.nomeprog,"","Ok","",LoadBitmap (File.DirAssets, "warning_gemitex.png"))
Msgbox2("Ricezione completata!",Main.nomeprog,"","Ok","",LoadBitmap (File.DirAssets, "warning_gemitex.png"))
End If
TxtLog.Visible = False
LblStatus.Visible = False
Awake.ReleaseKeepAlive 'togliamo lo standby
BtnInvia.Enabled = True
BtnRicevi.Enabled = True
BtnExit.Enabled = True
End Sub