Android Question Full Screen


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When using full screen mode with the following code in Activity_Create:

Sub GetRealSize As LayoutValues
    Dim lv As LayoutValues
    Dim p As Phone
    If p.SdkVersion >= 17 Then
        Dim ctxt As JavaObject
        Dim display As JavaObject = ctxt.RunMethodJO("getSystemService", Array("window")).RunMethod("getDefaultDisplay", Null)
        Dim point As JavaObject
        point.InitializeNewInstance("", Null)
        display.RunMethod("getRealSize", Array(point))
        lv.Width = point.GetField("x")
        lv.Height = point.GetField("y")
        lv.Width = 100%x
        lv.Height = 100%y
    End If
    lv.Scale = 100dip / 100
    Return lv
End Sub

Sub Activity_WindowFocusChanged(HasFocus As Boolean)
    If HasFocus Then
            Dim jo As JavaObject = Activity
            jo.RunMethod("setSystemUiVisibility", Array As Object(5894)) '3846 - non-sticky
            'Log(LastException) 'This can cause another error
        End Try 'ignore
    End If
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
    Dim lv As LayoutValues = GetRealSize
    Dim jo As JavaObject = Activity
    jo.RunMethod("setBottom", Array(lv.Height))
    jo.RunMethod("setRight", Array(lv.Width))
    Activity.Height = lv.Height
    Activity.Width = lv.Width

and returning back from a XUI Custom Dialog with a B4xTable in it and using the Softkeyboard for the search field then the Title bar and the bottom bar is displayed and is not going away.

Any ideas?
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