My Programm runs fine with the serial lib on the Galaxy S i9000
but on a Galaxy Tab i have the following error:
If no Bluetooth Connection is connected and i call disconnect the Programm hangs, on Galaxy S no Problem.
If a Bluetooth Connection is connected read/write OK then i close or disconnect the Connection
and afterthat i reconnect the Bluetooth Connection i cannot read or write to the serial port it comes a io failure
after i switch the Bluetooth on the Galaxy Tab OFF/ON then it works.
This is also no Problem on the Galaxy S but a big Problem on the Galaxy Tab,
reproduced on 2 samples of the Galaxy Tab.
Any Suggestion ?
Best regards
My Programm runs fine with the serial lib on the Galaxy S i9000
but on a Galaxy Tab i have the following error:
If no Bluetooth Connection is connected and i call disconnect the Programm hangs, on Galaxy S no Problem.
If a Bluetooth Connection is connected read/write OK then i close or disconnect the Connection
and afterthat i reconnect the Bluetooth Connection i cannot read or write to the serial port it comes a io failure
after i switch the Bluetooth on the Galaxy Tab OFF/ON then it works.
This is also no Problem on the Galaxy S but a big Problem on the Galaxy Tab,
reproduced on 2 samples of the Galaxy Tab.
Any Suggestion ?
Best regards
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