Share My Creation [Game] Bank Bank Star!

Hi folks,

Check out the latest Angry Birds killer on the market! It's so hawt that it turns Paper Toss to ashes before the paper even reaches the basket!

Ok ok... that's my failed attempt at marketing talk (though i really don't mind over taking angry birds some day! :D )

The game is a simple physic / geometry thingy. You need to get the star into the hole... BUT (you knew there was a but coming eh?), you MUST hit against a wall at least once. And at most 4 times. Any more than 4 banks or less than 1 bank against the wall will cost you a game live.

Feedback / comments appreciated (especially for those with higher res phones than HVGA)....

Thank you all and have fun!


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Licensed User
Longtime User
Simple and nice game. :)

Ok, a couple of things, on my phone (HTC EVO 4G - 480x800 scale 1.5 (240dpi)) the star is a bit small, kind of hard to "guide", also, check the attached screenshots to see how it looks on my phone.


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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Simple and nice game. :)

Ok, a couple of things, on my phone (HTC EVO 4G - 480x800 scale 1.5 (240dpi)) the star is a bit small, kind of hard to "guide", also, check the attached screenshots to see how it looks on my phone.


Thank you so so so so very much!!!! really appreciate it... and eww... font looks bad on the buttons... I'll work on a fix soon!

Again.. thank you!


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Hi all,

First post updated with a new version of the apk file. This hopefully fixes the font cut off issue that the kind soul known as NJDude highlighted.

Tip to those who do not know... when you set textsize = 30dip, it scales your text size too... this is not necessary... just set it as 30 without the dip...



Licensed User
Longtime User
Now we're talking!!!, it's looking good now.

I don't know how far you want to develop this app, but, it would make it more interesting if it had backgrounds instead of just a white screen.


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Hi NJDude,

Whew! I was dead worried on how the text would look like on a real device ... again thank you very much for testing it out! Very much appreciated!

I'd be looking at adding more feature to the games over time... yes, probably with some more themes with different backgrounds and such.. thank you for the feedback!

Now... to take on them birds!