I can't worked with MQTT , because we don't have any MQTT broker in b4i , and I want to send a file in connected devices.
If I want to send file to one device , How can I do ?
I am using this code for find ip range :
ip = server.GetMyWifiIp
Dim m As Matcher = Regex.Matcher2("\.[^.]*$", 0, ip)
Do While m.Find
current = m.Match.Replace(".","")
range = ip.Replace(m.Match,".")
and with this code I connect to about 130 ip
Sub connect
For i=0 To 130
If i <> current And i <> 1 And i <> 0 Then
ip = range&i
ip = ip.Trim
client.Connect(ip,port, 30000)
End If
End Sub
But this don't work !
I see newConnection in my log after that I see astream_Terminated
why this happend ?
what is best way to connect to other device , I dont know other device or devices ip and want to connect automatically.