Android Question Getting views color


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I need the panels color. .color is write only. I need a sub to get the color of a view. I searched the forum and found this post.

But when i use getviewscolor(panel1) , panel 1 goes white. Every view goes white when i use get color on it. Is it an outdated solution, can we have an updated sub to get a color's view. ?

this is what happens
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Longtime User
This code should still work. Make sure that you are not using the same canvas for anything else.

If it doesn't work for you then please upload a small project with the code.
in this example , when we use getviewscolor the red panels most portion is painted to black ( or the color of activity )

Attached it.


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B4X founder
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It is indeed related to a change in the way views handle their background. I've fixed this issue in Canvas.DrawViewable code.
For now you can use this instead:
Sub GetViewsColor(v As View) As Int
   Dim jo As JavaObject = v.Background
   Dim b As Rect = jo.RunMethod("copyBounds", Null)
   Dim destRect As Rect
   destRect.Initialize(0, 0, cvs.Bitmap.Width, cvs.Bitmap.Height)
   cvs.DrawDrawable(v.Background, destRect)
   jo.RunMethod("setBounds", Array(b))
   Return cvs.Bitmap.GetPixel(5dip, 5dip)
End Sub
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Longtime User
It is indeed related to a change in the way views handle their background. I've fixed this issue in Canvas.DrawViewable code.
For now you can use this instead:
Sub GetViewsColor(v As View) As Int
   Dim jo As JavaObject = v.Background
   Dim b As Rect = jo.RunMethod("copyBounds", Null)
   Dim destRect As Rect
   destRect.Initialize(0, 0, cvs.Bitmap.Width, cvs.Bitmap.Height)
   cvs.DrawDrawable(v.Background, destRect)
   jo.RunMethod("setBounds", Array(b))
   Return cvs.Bitmap.GetPixel(5dip, 5dip)
End Sub

I have got a problem with this. When I use
if getviewscolor(lbl1)= colors.transparent ıt makes problem. it does not recognize the color as transparent so i can't achieve what i want. Is there a fix for this
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Longtime User
by thw way if i use getviewscolor(lbl1) it is not working but if i use colors.rgb(..) it works. So i think it does not recognize when we write or , we have to put in rgb . But what can i write for rgb for transparent ?
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