Share My Creation Globals shrinker

i posted long time ago a thread about it. you can check it here:

after a while working on a project you will notice how much your globals variables section is growing, i dont like it much so i made a simple app to shrink it.

from this:

' Private hebCalc As HebCal
' Private dateheblbl As Label
' Private datelbl As Label
' Private qrcodePnl As Panel
' Private activationPnl As Panel
' Private qr As QRCode
' Private qrimgv As ImageView
' Private appUrl As String = ""
' Private googleplayimgv As ImageView
' Private serialNumber As String
' Private seriallbl As Label
' Private mainpnl As Panel
' Private clocklblHH As Label
' Private clocklblMM As Label
' Private clocklblDots As Label
' Private newsfeed As Label
' Private frames As Int
' Private newFeedList As List
' Private newFeedPos As Int
' Private radioplay As Label 'ignore
' Private radiotime As Label 'ignore
' Private radiostationimg As ImageView 'ignore
' Private radiostation As Label 'ignore
' Private radiopnl As Panel 'ignore
' Private hewbrewTimes As Sunrise 'ignore
' Private eventspnl As Panel
' Private eventtitle2 As Label
' Private weathertelaviv As Label
' Private weatherjerusalem As Label
' Private weatherbeersheva As Label
' Private weatherhaifa As Label
' Private weatherdate As Label
' Private weatherlbl2 As Label
' Private eventspnl2 As Panel
' Private adpnl As Panel
' Private housenotespnl As Panel
' Private phonesclv1 As CustomListView
' Private clvList As List
' Private scrollSpeed As Float = 1
' Private radiopnlin As Panel
' Private phonepnlin As Panel
' Private weatherpnlin As Panel
' Private modaotclv As CustomListView
' Private eventspnlin As Panel
' Private hadlakatnerotin As Panel
' Private nerotjerusalemin As Label
' Private nerottelavivin As Label
' Private nerothaifain As Label
' Private nerotjerusalemout As Label
' Private nerottelavivout As Label
' Private nerothaifaout As Label
' Private eventsinclv As CustomListView
' Private adpnlin1 As Panel
' Private adpnlin2 As Panel
' Private adpnllist As List

i went to this:

Private dateheblbl,datelbl,seriallbl,clocklblHH,clocklblMM,clocklblDots,newsfeed,eventtitle2,weathertelaviv,weatherjerusalem,weatherbeersheva,weatherhaifa,weatherdate,weatherlbl2,nerotjerusalemin,nerottelavivin,nerothaifain,nerotjerusalemout,nerottelavivout,nerothaifaout As Label
Private qrimgv,googleplayimgv As ImageView
Private qrcodePnl,activationPnl,mainpnl,eventspnl,eventspnl2,adpnl,housenotespnl,radiopnlin,phonepnlin,weatherpnlin,eventspnlin,hadlakatnerotin,adpnlin1,adpnlin2 As Panel
Private appUrl="",serialNumber As String
Private frames,newFeedPos As Int
Private scrollSpeed=1 As Float
Private newFeedList,clvList,adpnllist As List
Private phonesclv1,modaotclv,eventsinclv As CustomListView
Private hebCalc As HebCal
Private qr As QRCode
Private radioplay As Label 'ignore
Private radiotime As Label 'ignore
Private radiostationimg As ImageView 'ignore
Private radiostation As Label 'ignore
Private radiopnl As Panel 'ignore
Private hewbrewTimes As Sunrise 'ignore


App included. try it, improve it, have fun :)



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I was searching for code prettifier but could not find anything for B4X.
This I this is a good start :)