Android Question Google Advertising ID


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Longtime User
Hey folks... could someone please explain this newbie how Basic4Android supports Google Advertising ID? I found that apps that enter the Play Store as of august 1st 2014 have to include some logic for checking the Advertising ID, but I couldn't find any reference in the B4A forum or on the internet... I'm not a Java developer so the sample codes I found aren't that useful.

Here is a reference for what is the Google Advertising ID:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Yup, that's what I understood as well.... I got a couple of apps in the Play Store and I work with TapIt on both (I got a pre-3.20 version of B4A and thus I don't have support Google Play Services yet).

Recently TapIt told me I would have to use their 2.0.x SDK that supports the new Advertising ID, but they won't release any further B4A wrapper or library. It means that we (as a nice and supportive community) will either have to come up with an updated library ourselves (like most of the time) or we'll have to move on and skip TapIt because B4A is great and I for one will certainly upgrade.
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