Google Cloud Messaging Server in Visual Basic


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Hello everyone, i was wondering if anyone here has had any experience with GCM, i'm working on an app for a friend of mine, and i need to implement a GCM service, but i have been searching all over the place for a way to implement the server in Visual Studio/Visual Basic 2010, I have found a few examples in C# and and i have tried converting the code to plain visual basic but i keep getting a invalid registration error.

I have read the gcm documentation over and over and i can't figure out how to make it work, hopefully someone can help me put this puzzle together.
This is the code i found in C# can someone help me translate it to simple visual basic 2010

  using (var wc = new WebClient())
            wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", "key=" + "key");
            var nameValues = new NameValueCollection
                         {"registration_id", "id"},
                         {"collapse_key", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()},
                         {"data.payload", "works!!!!!!"},
                         {"message", "YES it works!!!"}
            var resp = wc.UploadValues("",nameValues);
            var respMessage = Encoding.Default.GetString(resp);
            MessageBox.Show("Got respose from GCM: " + respMessage);

And this is the test code i'm trying, but i keep and error
    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim hc As WebRequest
        Dim collapseKey As String
        Dim postData As String
        ' Dim postData1 As String
        ' Dim postData2 As String
        Dim DeviceID As String = "799750522480"
        Dim sCommand As String = "This is a Test"
        Dim byteArray As Array
        Dim dataStream As IO.Stream

        hc = WebRequest.Create("")
        hc.Method = "post"
        hc.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        hc.Headers.Add(String.Format("Authorization:Key={0}", "AIzaSyACz_BoIsLCn6TKUWdolrDlEa0-NsGqKWQ"))
        'txtResult.Text = String.Format("Authorization: Key={0}", "AIzaSyACz_BoIsLCn6TKUWdolrDlEa0-NsGqKWQ")
        collapseKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n")
        postData = String.Format("registration_id={0}&data.payload={1}&collapse_key{2}", DeviceID, sCommand, collapseKey) '&data.payload=&collpase_key=", DeviceID, sCommand, collapseKey)
        'postData1 = String.Format("&data.payload=This is just a test")
        ' postData2 = ("&collapse_key=" & collapseKey)
        'postData1 = String.Format(
        ' txtResult.Text = postData '+ postData1 + postData2
        byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData)
        hc.ContentLength = byteArray.Length

        dataStream = hc.GetRequestStream
        dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)
        ' dataStream.Close()

        Dim tResponse As WebResponse

        tResponse = hc.GetResponse
        dataStream = tResponse.GetResponseStream
        Dim treader As StreamReader
        treader = New StreamReader(dataStream)
        Dim response As String

        response = treader.ReadToEnd
        txtResult.Text = response '& vbCrLf & postData + postData1 + postData2

    End Sub

Invalid Registration error

I've tried using an online converter but it still doesn't work

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!

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