Google Play Reviews


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Hi all,

I just wondered what everyones thoughts are on Google Play reviews by customers, i have found that one app i created: SAYNOTO0870 has had 1605 reviews with most of them 1495 of 3 stars and above.

Has everyone found that people who leave a 1 star review generally do not leave any feedback as to why it is low?

Just a question

Have a great day



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Yeah its annoying, i don't mind people giving a bad rating it they say what is wrong (and even what they would like to see)


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Until google requires a review of some kind with each rating nothing will change. people are jerks and when there are no consequences for an action some will always take the worst action. no telling why they do it, hell, they may not even know.

--- Jem


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some of the replies on the link are funny :)


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I agree that it's confusing. The recommendation rating says "rate this item to get recommendations" whereas to rate an app it says "rate this app". If they changed "item" to "app" there wouldn't be any implication that it's just info on what your preferences are, rather than an actual rating for an app.