Google User Consent Example

Robert Valentino

Well-Known Member
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I just tried to update my app and got this message from google
App update rejected
Your recent app submission was rejected for violating the User Data policy. Before submitting your app for another review, read through the Personal and Sensitive Information section of the policy and make sure your app is in compliance. If your update included an APK, please increment your APK version code

Seems I need a user consent screen. That can't be navigated away from and must be visible without going through menus. And needs to be displayed before I can reference any user data (I assume Email or Android ID, etc)

Very confused. Anyone have an example of doing this

I guess I am looking for something like this:

Android script to output a “cookie notice”

// This code works on Android API level 1 (Android 1.0) and up.
// Tested on the latest (at the moment) API level 19 (Android 4.4 KitKat).
// In the main activity of your app:

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

  public void onStart() {
   final SharedPreferences settings =
       getSharedPreferences("localPreferences", MODE_PRIVATE);
   if (settings.getBoolean("isFirstRun", true)) {
     new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
       .setMessage("Your message for visitors here")
       .setNeutralButton("Close message", new OnClickListener() {
         public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
           settings.edit().putBoolean("isFirstRun", false).commit();


Robert Valentino

Well-Known Member
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That kind of works.

I am NOT showing ADs. My APP has NO ADs

Just getting Email and DeviceID or AndroidID

Is there a version of this where I can just get user data consent or not ask about ADs

Robert Valentino

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Yes to privacy policy.

From what I have been reading (a lot) that to use Device ID, Android ID and I am assuming AD ID (not sure about that one) I need to get the users consent. I use them to verify ownership. I use Email, Phone # to fill in a form if they want to contact support (which I thing gives consent by them clicking send - not sure on this either).

Your posting (link below) is saving the consent "somewhere" that is retrievable - I can save the date/time to a file but is that valid?

Can the Text and Buttons be tailored (change the text)


UPDATE: I just finally got them to be more specific in what they wanted. I have privacy policy at my website & google store but not in the APP.

Let me add that and see if that makes them happy


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Can the Text and Buttons be tailored (change the text)

sure, I'm not using that default form at all.

you can create it in the same style as the rest of your app and force display it (policy + personal ads checkbox when using ads)
when the user uses your app for the first time.
the next time you just check if it has been viewed before and skip it.

they can still review and change the setting by using the privacy policy menu item that is obligated in your app.

the reviewers are more strict these days (it was just automated before?) so now and then you'll get some rejects for something that you forgot or is not right.
(a rewarded video ad button that does not mention that you will show an ad for example)

Robert Valentino

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But I do not have any ADs and the buttons indicate that I am doing ADs

Would like the same thing but with a way to just the privacy policy and have them verify they read it. But doesn't seem possible


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like I wrote earlier you can create your own privacy policy screen.

just a panel with a scrollview and a button to close it is needed.

the rest is just code that you can call at app start and write the read it state on the button click event.

Robert Valentino

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Got it. Yeah I understand now. I do believe that receiving consent requires saving date time etc. Wasnt sure if it needed to be done through the consent app


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no, if I recall right the consent lib just provides if the user is located in the EU or not and if consent is required.

the rest is up to you based on the consent info.

Robert Valentino

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When Google wasn’t releasing my current version I got a little snippy with whoever was on the other end of the chat line and I said in closing “Have a bad day Google”, (you know
instead of have a nice day)

Well I guess they got upset with that and Forced me to completely comply with all the new Privacy Policies

Guess I will never say anything so mean again to a Google support rep.
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