B4A Library GoogleAccountManager (GoogleSignIn)

The Library GoogleAccountManager provides methods to get list of Google Accounts registered on a device and to get OAuth2 AccessToken to access Google API for any of these Google Accounts.
User doesn't enter username and password, but just selects Google account from the Google Accounts registered on a device.

Note: You need to register application in Google Developer console project.
Enable the Google API you need in the project.
Create Google API Credentials: OAuth2 Client ID, Application type: Android,
Signing-certificate fingerprint: SHA-1 (You will find it in Tools->Private Sgn Key->Signature (read-only): Certificate fingerprints: SHA-1: **:**:...)
Package name: b4a.signin <- packagename of application, using library. b4a.signin - packagename of sample application.

Please find below attached files with lib and sample.


  • GoogleAccountManager.zip
    7.2 KB · Views: 354
  • GoogleSignIn.zip
    9.2 KB · Views: 372