I have been using the GPS libarary for some time with no problem.
On a Google Pixel 3A, I recently received the error mentioned in the following forum posting:
I then found the GNSS library in the following forum entry:
I downloaded it into my 'AdditionalLibraries' folder and selected it instead of 'GPS' in my library list.
The only change I had to make was to replace the global 'public GPS1 as GPS' with 'public GPS1 as GNSS' to get a clean compile.
The sub GPSStatus still bombed as noted in the first forum entry above so I:
1. moved the call to display a page with the GPS location and accuracy into the sub GPS_locationchanged.
2. dropped the display of satellites which I didn't need.
3. dropped the old GPSStatus sub.
The program will now work with either GPS or GNSS.
My questions are:
1. Which should we be using? GPS or GNSS?
2. If GNSS is better, should it be in the internal libraries since it was released in 2019?
I am still on B4A 12.20 so it may now be in the new version which I will install next week.
3. Is there a version since 2019?
Thanks, Cliff McKibbin
On a Google Pixel 3A, I recently received the error mentioned in the following forum posting:
[SOLVED] GpsStatus APIs not supported, please use GnssStatus APIs instead
On my tablet, my app run well. I install it from usb (B4A) I run my app for 2-3 month now and google map run well. last night I submit my app on google play for my tester team. On my phone, I install a newer version from my web site via an autoUpdate in app. and today, I have this error...

I then found the GNSS library in the following forum entry:
GNSS library - an updated GPS library
The GNSSS library is an updated GPS library that allows you to get information about visible satellites from the phone's GNSSS device using an enhancement introduced in Android API version 24. The GNSS receivers in devices will vary in which constellations that they will recognize depending on...

I downloaded it into my 'AdditionalLibraries' folder and selected it instead of 'GPS' in my library list.
The only change I had to make was to replace the global 'public GPS1 as GPS' with 'public GPS1 as GNSS' to get a clean compile.
The sub GPSStatus still bombed as noted in the first forum entry above so I:
1. moved the call to display a page with the GPS location and accuracy into the sub GPS_locationchanged.
2. dropped the display of satellites which I didn't need.
3. dropped the old GPSStatus sub.
The program will now work with either GPS or GNSS.
My questions are:
1. Which should we be using? GPS or GNSS?
2. If GNSS is better, should it be in the internal libraries since it was released in 2019?
I am still on B4A 12.20 so it may now be in the new version which I will install next week.
3. Is there a version since 2019?
Thanks, Cliff McKibbin