gps question


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all,

I have been looking at the GPS functions, added the library and looked at the demo on , that is ok, my question is how can I invoke the gps to provide location details upon a button click event?

so similar to:
Sub GPS_LocationChanged (Location1 As Location)
lblLat.Text = "Lat = " & Location1.ConvertToMinutes(Location1.Latitude)
lblLon.Text = "Lon = " & Location1.ConvertToMinutes(Location1.Longitude)
lblSpeed.Text = "Speed = " & Location1.Speed
End Sub

how can I do this for a button click event, I'd like to be able to get current longitude/latitude values whenever I need to..

when the gps starts. e.g.:

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
If FirstTime Then
End If
End Sub

so when initilizing , then the longitude/latitude values are 0, so I would need to move to get some values/data before I can query these in my button click event?

Any help / advise would be most kind.



Licensed User
Longtime User
In Android you cannot call the GPS directly to get the last GPS fix (location).
The only way to get a fix is in the GPS_LocationChanged event routine.
What you could do is to start the GPS with GPS_Start(0,0) in the Button_Click event and stop it in GPS_LocationChanged when you got the location. This would avoid to run the GPS constantly, but you could have a certain delay before getting the fix.

Best regards.
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