Spanish Graficas estadisticas y/o de funciones


New Member
estoy realizando dos proyectos en los cuales requiero dibujar graficas alguien podria ayudarme,que herramientas puedo usar o si es posible... gracias


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Gracias Klaus por tu correccion, si, quise poner Guia de usuario, pero puse Guia de Principiantes.
El link correcto de la Guia de Usuario es:

Una cosita, que tal intentar responder en castellano en este foro de castellano? Para respuestas en ingles ya tenemos el foro principal.



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Longtime User
Sorry, but I don't speak spanish so I answer in english.
I also look at foreign language forums and use Google Translator.
I prefer leaving my answer in english rather than copy a Google translation.
How should I answer to this question in the english forum and make sure that the person who asks will find it ?
If you don't want me to answer in this forum I can stop it.

Best regards.


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Gracias por tu respuesta

Yo no soy nadie para decirte que no respondas en este foro. Ademas, nos perderiamos tu experiencia en B4A, que es lo mas importante aqui.

Solo te lo comenté al ver que eres de Suiza, quizas sabias algo de español por alguna visita a España ;), y a la gente de aqui nos vendria bien alguien con tu experiencia y que ademas se expresara en castellano.



Thanks for your answer

I'm not one to tell you not to answer in this forum. In addition, we would miss B4A your experience, what is most important here.
I just mentioned to see you're from Switzerland, maybe some Spanish wise for any visit to Spain ;), and the people here, we could use someone with your experience and also be expressed in Spanish.



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Longtime User
If you don't want me to answer in this forum I can stop it.

Klaus, I think nobody want this.
Please, continue answering to our questions, in english, hebrew, chinese o whatever... rather english.
If you don't mind, of course...

Best regards


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Pues nada que responda el zagal como quiera. que ya nos molestaremos los que queremos aprender en utilizar el Traductor de Google.
