Share My Creation Graphical view of Satellite Position

I have just created this little app while playing with the Internal GPS.

Basically, it will position a small satellite icon in its relative position. the closer to the center the greater the elevation (90 degrees is straight up, and 0 is on the horizon), and it will place the icon according to its azimuth (bearing).

If you click (touch) the satellite icons then the satellite information will be displayed:

Satellite ID
Satellite Azimuth (AZ)
Satellite Elevation (EL)
Satellite Signal to Noise (SNR)

Like i say, this ws just something i was playing with and thought i would share.

One thing i did notice was not being able to use an index for the image view (like i would in visual Basic) made for a lot of messing around. I expect there is another (better) way of doing it but i haven't found it yet as i am still a NooB.

If it helps anyone then it was worth while posting :)

UPDATE: changed file for Latest version v1.0.9


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Very cool!!

A few things:

1- Use the Designer Scripts that way it will scale properly on any device, I took the liberty to modify your code, check the attached project.

2- You could shorten the amount of code if you used SENDER, you won't have to repeat the "Sub Sat??_Click" routines so many times.

3- Make the satellites pictures a little bigger, they are kind of difficult to spot and click on them.

Overall, nice app, just needs some minor tweaks.


    131 KB · Views: 640


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Thanks NJDude,

I knew there would be a more eloquent way instead of repeating Sub Sat



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I read the wiki on the sender statement and also used the EventName and Tag Events in the designer menu to catch the clicks.

If there a way around the repetition of code in the place_sat sub routine, at them moment i iterate through each satellite in turn to place it, in VB i would have used an index for the image so that i could have used a loop and thus cut down on actual code.

i also place into the designer code to stretch the icons if the screen if larger, i dont have my tablet with me at the moment so can not see if these look massive or a little fuzzy because they have been stretched.

Cheers for your help (everyone :))

I have attached updated version 1.0.1 taking into account Designer scrips and the image Sender.



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Thanks Klaus, i will take a look, the way i have done it didn't sit right when i was typing it in and i was always thinking there has to be a better way.



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I realised that the icons were still remaining small on larger screens so added

Sat(i).Gravity = Gravity.FILL

into the Activity_Create to make the picture file fill the ImageView size.

I also added a Timer, so that the satellite information is updated every second if you have selected one. If the GPS reciever looses the satellite then the information is cleared. This is so you can see if the SNR is changing as the ID, AZ and EL will not change by much second by second.

Hope this it a little better :)


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I have now changed the Launcher Icon for a nicer icon.

I'm just wondering what to play with next :)


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Final Change :)

I have added a graph at the bottom to show the relative SNR of all satellites in view. The NMEA handbook does say that the SNR values can range from 0-99, but I have rarely seen them go above 26, thus I set the maximum value for the graph to 50.

I have uploaded the latest version V1.0.9 and some latest screen shots to the first post, so as not to fill up the forum with rubbish.




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Cloud UI output


I used the "Send to 'UI' Cloud BETA"

And the output picture to the Galaxy Tab 2 (10" Tablet) was not filling the whole screen (see "tab 2 land download.jpg" and "tab 2 port download.jpg".

I then installed the app to my ASUS eee-pad transformer TF101 10" tablet (Designer states it is 1232x800, scale=1) and app displayed correctly (see "land-asus.jpg" and "port-asus.jpg").

Not sure if it is a glitch with the cloud UI or if the Galaxy Tab 2 is very different from the ASUS eee-pad transformer TF101 10" tablet.

I just thought i would let you know due to the UI Cloud being BETA i thought you might like feedback




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    tab 2 land download.jpg
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I have been having similar issues.

However, I was just fooling around with the date picker example and changed it to fit full screen. You can find it in Test My Apps.

When using the UI cloud with it - EVERYTHING looked GREAT! Of course, there is not much to see but it did render properly on all 5 devices.... (this time).


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I have tried the program on my Asus TF700 10'' tablet and found the circles not looking good.
I took the liberty to replace the image by direct drawing onto the image.

Best regards.


  • Sat View
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Thanks Klaus,

I created the image originally for quickness and what started as a play with the inner workings of GPS grew and grew, and like you said the circle on larger screens didn't look so nice, so i was going to look at implementing, but i don't have to now :)