Hola, tengo los datos cargados de un pedido en un listview, como puedo recorrer este mismo para guardarlo en SQL?
Return value
The value of the clicked item is passed as a parameter.
Now, what is a value of an item???
By default this is the text stored in the first line.
However you can change it to any object you like by using:
AddSingleLine2, AddTwoLines2 and AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2 methods. These methods receive an additional parameter which is the return value. This allows you to pass more information as required by your application.
lstProductos.AddTwoLines2(res.GetInt(1), res.GetString(2) & " $" & NumberFormat2(res.GetDouble(3), 0, 3, 2, True), res.GetInt(1) & "~" & res.GetString(2) & " $" & NumberFormat2(res.GetDouble(3), 0, 3, 2, True))
For i = 0 To 10
ListView1.AddTwoLines2("Linea 1."&i, "Linea 2."&i, "Linea 1."&i& " ~Linea 2." &i)
For i = 0 To ListView1.Size -1
Linea 1.0 ~Linea 2.0
No sé a qué te refieres, el compañero lo guardaba en una base de datos, no en un .txtdond e se guardaria ese txt de el listview en el telefono
su.SaveCSV2(File.DirInternal, "1.csv", ",", data, Array("Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"))