Happy Valentine's Day Message from a Robot Face.

William Lancee

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Longtime User
Here's a short video message from ND_IV (aka 'Andie 4') Use pop-out (square with arrow) to see it.

I'm not sure whether Andie means it or not.

Here's a tutorial about what makes ND_IV tick.


Here is a more positive view on romantic love.


1. In the spirit of the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" a 1968 film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick.
The computer in the movie is named "HAL" <= Chr(Asc("I") - 1) & Chr(Asc("B") - 1) & Chr(Asc("M") - 1). => "IBM"

Dim n() As Int = Array As Int(154 - Asc("N"), 155 - Asc("D"))
Chr(n(1)) & Chr(n(0))) => WL which are my initials. Therefore: ND

2. I was looking for a gender-neutral name and Willie seemed too conceited. (Although I did toy with bilikin - bill(i)/manekin).
My favorite movie actress is Andie MacDowell ('Groundhog Day' and 'Sex, Lies, and Videotape'). Therefore: Andie or ND
Admittedly, this actress is not gender-neutral.

3. The characters generated by the program are animated like puppets or like a ventriloquist's dummy.
Instead of traditional wood and cloth, they are made up of modern materials, bits and bytes. Therefore: Neo-Dummy or ND

4. The Specification string for any face consists of 26 short lines. Think of these lines as the DNA of our characters.
DNA reverse => a ND.

I asked ChatGPT to write me a Valentine's Day greeting. After I rejected five answers and guiding it (too many lines, 'parts' should not be in a romantic poem), it came up with:

"You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.
I love you more than words can say.
Happy Valentine's Day, my love!"

Now all I have to do is use a ChatGPT API (?) and existing Voice to Text and Text to Speech B4X tools to have a in-person consultation with one of my ND's.
(Of course I'll have create my own expert system to filter out silly answers)
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